Soldiers storm Bolivian presidential palace in apparent coup attempt


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Bolivia's presidential palace has been stormed by soldiers as the country's president warned of an unfolding "coup".

"We are going to recover this homeland," General Juan José Zúñiga told reporters from Murillo Square after it was taken by troops, according to the El Deber newspaper.

President Luis Arce said a "coup" was underway and demanded Gen Zúñiga stand down the troops which have taken over parts of central La Paz.


Bolivia’s president urges citizens to take to streets to defend against apparent coup​

Bolivia’s president Luis Arce has urged citizens to take to the streets to defend the country’s democracy from an apparent coup attempt after heavily armed army troops seized control of La Paz’s political heart and military police were filmed trying to force their way into the former government palace.

“We need the Bolivian people to mobilize and organize themselves against this coup d’état and in favour of democracy,” Arce said in a video message filmed at the Great House of the People, the official presidential residence in Bolivia’s de facto capital of La Paz.
