Some genocide

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Outrage After Jerusalem Hospital Admits Hamas Nukhba Terrorist for Treatment

The Nukhba terrorists were one of the leading participants in Hamas attacks and atrocities on Oct. 7 in southern Israel, during which some 1,200 people were murdered, thousands were wounded and 253 were taken as hostages.

Following calls on social media for people to mobilize in protest, Hadassah closed the entrance to its intensive-care unit, covering the glass door with an Israeli flag in an attempt to prevent protesters from locating the terrorist.

In a statement shared with Hebrew media on Wednesday afternoon, Hadassah noted that “every security prisoner treated in Israeli hospitals is brought [there] under the responsibility and according to a decision of the Ministry of Health, the security forces or the army.
My grapevine is coming to the consensus that these Evil Bastards knew all about Oct 7, that they allowed it to happen (and killed more than half the Jews that died 7/8) to manufacture an excuse to rid Gaza of the way or another they are programmed to go.
Interesting that I once believed in Israel just as I believed in the European project.....both are now going down in flames.
It is the one with power that is most at fault.....the jews.

Plus the Zionists betrayed their own people for diabolical aims.....the Palestinians have not done that.

Wrong, the evil lies with the one that starts a war for unjust or criminal reasons. Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups started this war wanting to simply slaughter Jews. Any other reason was secondary to that. If it weren't, they'd have tried to hold the ground gained in Israel but they didn't they ran after a hit and run raid.

That Israel is far, far better at fighting wars than the Palestinians isn't anyone's fault except the Palestinians. It'd be no different if some gang, like MS 13 or say the Bloods or Crips, decided to go to war with the police here in the US. Smart, sensible, reasonable, people choose their fights carefully. Evil, stupid people choose to pick fights they can't win.
Wrong, the evil lies with the one that starts a war for unjust or criminal reasons. Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups started this war wanting to simply slaughter Jews. Any other reason was secondary to that. If it weren't, they'd have tried to hold the ground gained in Israel but they didn't they ran after a hit and run raid.

That Israel is far, far better at fighting wars than the Palestinians isn't anyone's fault except the Palestinians. It'd be no different if some gang, like MS 13 or say the Bloods or Crips, decided to go to war with the police here in the US. Smart, sensible, reasonable, people choose their fights carefully. Evil, stupid people choose to pick fights they can't win.

The majority of the world has decided that U R WRONG.

Israel is Over.
The majority of the world has decided that U R WRONG.

Israel is Over.

Irrelevant appeal to popularity. Back in the 1930's Hitler won Time magazine's person of the year, and he was considered for a Nobel prize. As but one very clear case where world opinion was full of shit.
I recall an old episode of MASH, where they treated a N. Korean soldier. Doctors, at least some, have higher standards. Treat the ill and the injured.