Some Lieberman Venting


...because God knows I need it.

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut told the Politico on Thursday that he has no immediate plans to switch parties but suggested that Democratic opposition to funding the war in Iraq might change his mind.

Never, have I seen a more self-satisfied, puffed up, holier-than-thou, self-righteous little prig.

This guy has power for two more years. And if I were Harry Reid I would call this puke right into my office, and I'd say, "joe, why don't you have a seat and let me enlighten you on something."

And then I'd tell him, that I think he SHOULD switch parties, because I'm not going to kiss his self-important ass for the next two years, but come 08, when I gain several more Senate Seats and get the majority back, I"m going to never forget his shitty little name, and he will not get one bill, one earmark, one little bridge built in his homestate for as long as I was alive.

I'd tell him, I'm not going to crawl for you Joe for the next two years, but honey, I'm going to have you on your knees for the four years after that. So switch Joe, go ahead. And then I'd smile at him.

Because he ain't going anywhere; he can read the national tea leaves and he knows damned well that throwing a one seat majority to the Republicans now, isn't going to mean shit come Nov. 08. So let's cut the bullshit.
Reid has nothing to do with Lieberman now, If lieberman is an independent.
Lieberman is always venting, he is a fumerole.
Reid has nothing to do with Lieberman now, If lieberman is an independent.
Lieberman is always venting, he is a fumerole.

He does though, because Lieberman caucuses with the Democrats, so he is still reaping the benefits of a Democratic majority.

And since Lieberman also knows that the Democratic majority in the Senate is going to hold and in fact, expand, come 08, that gives Reid plenty of power over him, and I think it's high time somebody put Mr. Lieberman in his place. :)