Some new changes to JPP - Darla is now mod

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on indefiniate mod break
Things have been a bit slow lately and we've for a long time been talking about adding new mods. So after a lot of thought and narrowing down our list of good people we have settled on darla as being a good pick for JPP. We think she would fit in really well with helping to run this site. She's a good voice for a lot of people here and is an active member of this community, and lastly she may help to curb some of the more grating stuff that some of our more bottomfeeding-type posters espouse on a daily basis. So it is my pleasure to announce darla as the newest mod of JPP :)

Also we are probably going to add one more and may finish with that narrowing down later today (also pending if our short list choices want the role as well).
April fools lol.

p.s. happy anniversary of pope john paul dying.

It's also the anniversary of fullpolitics starting in 2005.
also fyi she didn't have access to anything, it was just a superficial color change for the name.
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