Some of Biden's Biggest Accomplishments..........

Lies! Lies! And more lies!

Any and every time I post the facts about the destructive policies of joe biden or of the democrat party's actions/policies etc., I/We here at this forum will always get this type of ignorance and or avoidance by certain geeks here so as to avoid admitting
that their feeling don't get hurt, and or so that their CIC joe bribem doesn't get further exposed as being the nation's worst president ever.
Any and every time I post the facts about the destructive policies of joe biden or of the democrat party's actions/policies etc., I/We here at this forum will always get this type of ignorance and or avoidance by certain geeks here so as to avoid admitting
that their feeling don't get hurt, and or so that their CIC joe bribem doesn't get further exposed as being the nation's worst president ever.
Lizards are cold blooded...
View attachment 27207

Anyone here able to give some of biden's smallest accomplishments?

FIRST thing on the list is demonstrably untrue. Pretty much every single economist KNEW with almost perfect certainty that after COVID there would be an inflationary spike due to pent-up demand suddenly being released. In FACT during Biden's administration, while the inflationary spike DID MANIFEST, the rate has largely recovered.

The prices are still high (because this is the RATE of inflation, so after a spike the values are high) but the RATE of inflation (which is what everyone talks about) is largely back to about 3% or so. Which is good.
joe bribem doesn't get further exposed as being the nation's worst president ever.

Worst president ever? Hyperbole much? There were much worse presidents in history but you Trumpists don't know American history and you are like chickens who have zero memory of anything more than 4 years ago.

Try growing some perspective. I'd say the guy who attempted to foment a coup against the US government might have a leg up on "worst president ever" but you may disagree.
FIRST thing on the list is demonstrably untrue. Pretty much every single economist KNEW with almost perfect certainty that after COVID there would be an inflationary spike due to pent-up demand suddenly being released. In FACT during Biden's administration, while the inflationary spike DID MANIFEST, the rate has largely recovered.

The prices are still high (because this is the RATE of inflation, so after a spike the values are high) but the RATE of inflation (which is what everyone talks about) is largely back to about 3% or so. Which is good.
Woops, I was misinformed on my saying that Biden had the worst inflation rating. The potus having the highest inflation rating was jimmy carter followed closely behind by joe bribem. While brimbem can be a little bit relieved that he doesn't have the worst inflation ratings among our modern day presidents, he'll never get to erase his title of being America's worst president. Jimmy Carter is taking a huge breath of relief in knowing that bribem took that title away from him. Check out the inflation figures below in the link below to see that TRUMP holds the title of modern day presidents from Reagan to Bribem as having the lowest inflation ratings. Notice that bribem also holds the inflation record over the other 7 presidents in the food and energy categories.

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FIRST thing on the list is demonstrably untrue. Pretty much every single economist KNEW with almost perfect certainty that after COVID there would be an inflationary spike due to pent-up demand suddenly being released. In FACT during Biden's administration, while the inflationary spike DID MANIFEST, the rate has largely recovered.

The prices are still high (because this is the RATE of inflation, so after a spike the values are high) but the RATE of inflation (which is what everyone talks about) is largely back to about 3% or so. Which is good.
Biden got nearly a trillion dollars in new spending approved shortly after taking office. He threw gasoline on a fire. Inflation when he took office was close to 2%. Within six months, with all that new spending and borrowing, it shot up to about 9%.



(NY Times image)

So, yes, Biden caused a huge spike in inflation with a Leftist spending plan that produced ZERO ROI.
Obama’s average was lower than Trump’s! COVID caused world wide inflation and the US recovery under Biden has been amazing. We are holding up the rest of the world!
Lowering Costs of Families' Everyday Expenses.
More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History.
Making More in America.
Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic.
Rebuilding our Infrastructure.
Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans.
More items... › the...
The Biden-Harris Record | The White House
Lowering Costs of Families' Everyday Expenses.
More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History.
Making More in America.
Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic.
Rebuilding our Infrastructure.
Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans.
More items... › the...
The Biden-Harris Record | The White House
None of that is true.

Family's everyday expenses are way, way up. Gasoline, right now, is about 50 to 75% higher per gallon than when Trump left office. That's even with Biden emptying the SPR to try and buy lower gas prices, even as he wrecks US national energy security. Biden is lying here.

More people aren't working than at any point in American history.


Right now, the labor participation rate is at about 62%

You can't use sheer numbers since the population grows in size over the years. Biden is lying here.

Manufacturing as a percentage of GDP has been on the steady decline in the US, so once again, Biden is full of shit.


Biden neither "rescued the economy" which as demonstrated, has languished in mediocrity under him, nor did anything to "change the course of the pandemic." When Biden took office, the recovery from lockdowns, etc., were already well under way. All Biden did was put a trillion dollars on a credit card for a bunch of greentard shit that did nothing but spike inflation, as demonstrated. Biden is lying his ass off here.

All that spending has done little to nothing to rebuild or build infrastructure. This was a stupid waste of money just as when Obama did it.

Two years in and 80% of the money allocated is sitting doing nothing...

Using veterans to gain funding is disingenuous. Like Agent Orange, most of these spending on veteran's bills for supposed exposure to something are mostly, not entirely, but mostly, bullshit. The average American could be exposed to such things depending on where they live, but you don't see massive spending on them...

Basically, Biden - Harris are lying sacks of shit that have fucked up the economy, done little or nothing to move the US ahead, and like Leftists everywhere have spent money they didn't have doing all that stupid shit.