some peopel cant tell bullshit from reality

“There’s always been a struggle, throughout the country’s history, over who could vote, how their votes would be counted,” said Michael Waldman, executive director of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School, “and this is not that different, but it does seem more strategic this year. The same arguments are being made all over the country at the same time.”
“I don’t recall in recent history,” he added, “a presidential candidate before the fact trying to suggest in a nationally televised debate that the entire electoral system was under assault, the fabric of democracy was at risk.”
Its the Republicans who are destroying democracy and we are not going to let them finish the job.
Poor desh.....

Only US citizens can vote....but desh doesn't want anyone to actually prove they are citizens...

One MUST live in a district to vote in that district....but desh doesn't want to allow anyone to check that the voters address is really where he/she lives.....

Desh doesn't want anyone to check ID's before voting to see it you are who you say you are....or to see if you might be a felon voting illegally...

Desh ignores ACORN's proven record of fraud in voter registration.....

and its goes on and on....

Won't accept the SCOTUS decision against Gore's attempt to steal his election.....

and then has the gall to claim "Its the Republicans who are destroying democracy "

an elections official in Mississippi wrongly purged 10,000 voters from the rolls in March while using her home computer

They are citizens you complete and utter partisan hack.
an elections official in Mississippi wrongly purged 10,000 voters from the rolls in March while using her home computer

They are citizens you complete and utter partisan hack.

Madison County, Miss.

Madison County's voter rolls are "so bloated with names of people who have died or moved out of Madison County that it is 122 percent of the county's entire population including those under the age of 18.

"Counting an estimate of 10,000 who are under 18, this then means that a good percentage of the names on the Madison County voter roll is not eligible to vote.

("Our investigation determined the following: that the election commissioner had requested funds to notify those that were being removed from the rolls but didn't receive the requested funding; that the records that were deleted were added back into the system before any election was held; and we uncovered no evidence that the election commissioner was removing names, in an attempt to illegally disenfranchise those whose names were removed, or to impede the outcome of an election. Therefore no criminal intent was uncovered.)

When voter rolls show 122% over the entire population (including children) of a given district....its time for someone one to do something....
If this women didn't do it right ..someone better do it right before the next election.....
You claim to be concerned about the voters rights but whine each and every time someone tries to clean up the voter rolls and find out who is dead, who has moved, who is not really a citizen, who does not exist, who DOES NOT have the right to vote.....
Madison County, Miss.

Madison County's voter rolls are "so bloated with names of people who have died or moved out of Madison County that it is 122 percent of the county's entire population including those under the age of 18.

"Counting an estimate of 10,000 who are under 18, this then means that a good percentage of the names on the Madison County voter roll is not eligible to vote.

("Our investigation determined the following: that the election commissioner had requested funds to notify those that were being removed from the rolls but didn't receive the requested funding; that the records that were deleted were added back into the system before any election was held; and we uncovered no evidence that the election commissioner was removing names, in an attempt to illegally disenfranchise those whose names were removed, or to impede the outcome of an election. Therefore no criminal intent was uncovered.)

When voter rolls show 122% over the entire population (including children) of a given district....its time for someone one to do something....
If this women didn't do it right ..someone better do it right before the next election.....

provide links you assclown
Most of you can't tell bullshit from reality!

That's mostly everyone on this board, especially the Neocons and Libertarians! :clink: