Something for everyone

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

A little something for everyone... ammnuition for all.... have at it....

""The unwillingness to give a hearing to contradictory viewpoints," Jacoby writes, correctly, "or to imagine that one might learn anything from an ideological or cultural opponent, represents a departure from the best side of American popular and elite intellectual traditions.""

"Despite continuing debate about aspects of global warming, for instance, even mild skeptics, as The Wall Street Journal's John Fund recently noted, are often put "in a similar moral category to Holocaust denial." Proponents of intelligent design, eviscerated in "The Age of American Unreason," face similar hostility in the outside world--even, as Ben Stein points out in his upcoming documentary, "Expelled," if they're established scientists. "
"Two thirds of Americans between ages of 18-24 can't find Iraq on a map. When asked what function DNA serves, two thirds of Americans have no idea. And in a recent survey that would have Copernicus turning in his grave, one in five American adults believe that the sun revolves around the earth. "
"If America is so religious, why are most Americans not able to name the Bible's first book?"

They probably become disinterested at the word 'In..'
It is the one that bans gays isn't it ?

seriously though pretty pathetic, since they all pretty much support creationism being taught in schools.
It is the one that bans gays isn't it ?

seriously though pretty pathetic, since they all pretty much support creationism being taught in schools.
Romans is in the New Testament, and Leviticus is the third book of the Bible so... No... It isn't the one that "bans gays".
Romans is in the New Testament, and Leviticus is the third book of the Bible so... No... It isn't the one that "bans gays".

Wuz just kiddin Damo. sheesh.

I know the firt passage in the bible is "In the beginning god made republicans, and he saw it was good"