Sometimes you have to demand a choice ...

The RCC has traditionally taken a wimpy course.
They should be denying these pols mass at the very least as they clearly are not avknowledging their sins and seeking forgivness.
The majority of Catholics I know are pro-choice, they cant afford to start kicking paying parishioners out at this time.
Joshua 24:15

I’m not sure the pope would approve of the good “father.”

The official position is that priests should not be involved in politics. The reality is that some are but they aren't supposed to proselytize their views from the pulpit. Priests don't have the right to pass judgment on parishioners for their political beliefs to the extent that Pavone did.

I think you're right that Francis wouldn't approve of the way Pavone acted. It's not because he's liberal but because he frowns on judgmental clergy.
The RCC has traditionally taken a wimpy course.
They should be denying these pols mass at the very least as they clearly are not avknowledging their sins and seeking forgivness.

Priests don't have the right to do that. The Catechism states that “Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions.”
Priests don't have the right to do that. The Catechism states that “Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions.”

Priests maybe not. But lots have been denied by somebody.
Being a cafeteria catholic is one thing but being in a position of power and ignoring cannon is a whole other thing.
Priests maybe not. But lots have been denied by somebody.
Being a cafeteria catholic is one thing but being in a position of power and ignoring cannon is a whole other thing.

I don't know what that means, "lots have been denied by somebody."

The priest's job is to teach and guide sinners, not throw them out of the church. Canon Law says that if a person gets an abortion they are automatically excommunicated but even that is problematic. One has to look at the circumstances, the law and the context before deciding a person is excommunicated. It's not black and white. Even if a person is excommunicated they're still Catholic. It means they aren't allowed to take the Sacraments until they're reconciled with the Church.

Canon Law doesn't say anything about pro-choice Catholics. That doesn't mean some Catholic bishops won't penalize pro-choice Catholics whose views are known. But if they do, the church has a process for Catholics to defend their rights against deniers, but most don't know about it. As you can imagine, dioceses want people to obey, not question.