Sorry about the downtime...

That's alright, Damo.

Some people may regard 7 hours sat in front of a computer screen, pressing refresh every 10 seconds, as a waste of time but, on the plus side, i used the time in between clicks to find a cheaper broadband provider so everything worked out for the best in the end.

I certainly wasn't looking at pornography. Honest.
That's alright, Damo.

Some people may regard 7 hours sat in front of a computer screen, pressing refresh every 10 seconds, as a waste of time but, on the plus side, i used the time in between clicks to find a cheaper broadband provider so everything worked out for the best in the end.

I certainly wasn't looking at pornography. Honest.
Well... all right then... if you promise then we'll believe you.
The Damo digital recession is over :clink:
