Sorry, Boner, That's Not The Way It's Supposed To Work

Now that video is funny Howey. The leftist bastard Bob Schieffer trying to blame Obama’s sequester on congressional Republicans. You eat that shit up like a hog on welfare huh Howey? Y’all fucking leftist are morons!
Im not taking woodwards word for it

How is it Obamas fault even if he mentioned the idea first?

WHO fucking voted for it you asshole
Under that same criteria the Obama care you hate so much is the republicans fault because it was their idea huh?


that is somehow different to you fact adverse bags of lies
Im not taking woodwards word for it

How is it Obamas fault even if he mentioned the idea first?

WHO fucking voted for it you asshole

That's a new one I'm going to have to remember that. Usually people take credit for coming up with ideas. Now you shouldn't get credit or blame for coming up with an idea.

Political expediency from partisans (of all stripes) can make people say funny things.
If the sequester had worked like it was designed things would have been fine huh?


your idiots want this country to fail just like Grover planned so they made it harm the country.

THAT is the republicans fault huh?
Im not taking woodwards word for it

How is it Obamas fault even if he mentioned the idea first?

WHO fucking voted for it you asshole

Actually Sweetie-Pie Obama and his Whitehouse team of fucking Chicago Crooks came up with the idea as a big fucking Obama bluff they never thought House Republicans would allow to happen because it cut the growth in the military as well as everything else. Obama thought it would make congressional Republicans agree to tax hikes instead. Congressional Republicans called his bluff voted for it and OBAMA signed it into law The bluff game was on and Republicans called the OBAMA BLUFF again by letting it go into effect. Now y’all idiot lying racist bastard leftist want to blame it on the Republicans, that’s hilarious!!!!!

Now morons here’s what the stupid pittance sequester is really all about. Hear it from a congressional truth teller.

So our elderly are going without food, our children are going without day care and Head Start, cancer clinics are turning away patients, but Congress gets to keep flying FIRST CLASS!

W00t! And to think this is all because the Republicans decided to call the President's bluff! How adult of you!
Well numb nuts, actually the fucking federal government will be spending more this year 2013 than it did in 2012 on all of that unconstitutional shit you’re sooooo worried about because there is no actual cut in spending there’s only a 2% reduction in the fucking increase that the feds were planning to spend. So now idiot explain how the government covered all of those bases you claim are now in dire circumstances in 2012, yet Armageddon has hit them now.

Y’all fucking racist partisan leftist are such fucking idiots!!!!!
what about the republicans being the ones who thought up Obama care?

The fucking idiot Republican Romney at least had constitutional authority to create a socialist healthcare STATE program, Obama had no such constitutional authority to create a federal program.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people." (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)