Sorry, Cawacko


Looks like another flip-flop on McCain's part. No balanced budget, he misspoke. Like he misspoke when he was against the bush tax cuts.

400 Billion in new spending (that's what tax cuts are, fools). How's he gonna pay for it? Uhhh...ummmm...uhhhh....Well, how's Obama gonna pay? Huh? At least McCain is talking in the right direction.

Um, yeah. Okay

McCain Outlines Broad Proposals for U.S. Economy
VILLANOVA, Pa. — Senator John McCain offered the broadest look yet at his economic policies in a speech on Tuesday in Pittsburgh, outlining a series of tax reductions and backing away from his pledge to balance the budget by the end of his first term.

The speech, delivered on the deadline for filing taxes, afforded the clearest view to date of what McCainomics might look like. There was a dash of
populism, as Mr. McCain criticized executive pay and corporate wrongdoing. There was a strong supply-side bent, with Mr. McCain focusing on cutting corporate taxes and making permanent the Bush tax cuts that he once opposed. And there was a decidedly less hawkish note on deficits, as Mr. McCain called for spending cuts but did not mention balancing the federal budget.

The McCain campaign put the cost of his tax cuts at roughly $200 billion a year, but its estimate did not include the cost of making the Bush tax cuts permanent, which would more than double that figure.

The campaign said it would offset the lost $200 billion by eliminating from the federal budget earmarked pork-barrel projects; putting a one-year freeze on discretionary spending in most federal agencies, later eliminating wasteful programs; broadening the tax base by eliminating loopholes; and spurring economic growth. But its estimate of how much could be saved with such measures was far higher than those of some other independent budget analysts.
Discretionary spending cuts, but what about supplemental spending cuts. ie the war.

bush promised a Balanced Budget as well. Still does and some actually believe him.
VILLANOVA, Pa. — Senator John McCain offered the broadest look yet at his economic policies in a speech on Tuesday in Pittsburgh, outlining a series of tax reductions and backing away from his pledge to balance the budget by the end of his first term.

that's really the only thing he'll have over hillary and/or obama. He had no choice but to back away from it while he's on the stump.
Discretionary spending cuts, but what about supplemental spending cuts. ie the war.

bush promised a Balanced Budget as well. Still does and some actually believe him.

This is going to come as a big blow to Stupor freak and Cawacko, because that's why they were voting for him. Same reason why they voted for bush. They really believed that he was going to balance the budget. I mean, you yourself have seen how absolutely pissed SF has been that bush hasn't (put on your deep, important voice) "governed asa true conservative"

I mean, with this major flip flopping, and McCain now coming right out and telling them, hell man I'm going to govern just like bush, they'll have to vote for somebody else. Right? Right?
This is going to come as a big blow to Stupor freak and Cawacko, because that's why they were voting for him. Same reason why they voted for bush. They really believed that he was going to balance the budget. I mean, you yourself have seen how absolutely pissed SF has been that bush hasn't (put on your deep, important voice) "governed asa true conservative"

I mean, with this major flip flopping, and McCain now coming right out and telling them, hell man I'm going to govern just like bush, they'll have to vote for somebody else. Right? Right?

Some people just keep trying the McSame thing over and over and expecting different results.
This is going to come as a big blow to Stupor freak and Cawacko, because that's why they were voting for him. Same reason why they voted for bush. They really believed that he was going to balance the budget. I mean, you yourself have seen how absolutely pissed SF has been that bush hasn't (put on your deep, important voice) "governed asa true conservative"

I mean, with this major flip flopping, and McCain now coming right out and telling them, hell man I'm going to govern just like bush, they'll have to vote for somebody else. Right? Right?

How about lay out McCain's, Obama's and Clinton's econonic plan next to each other and let's take a look.
How about lay out McCain's, Obama's and Clinton's econonic plan next to each other and let's take a look.

Ohhh, so now things are different than they were yesterday? Now, it's ok that McCain isn't going to even attempt to balance the budget?

You call this an economic plan Cawacko? Listen, I just wanted to get you on record. You are fully aware that McCain isn't going to (deep important voice) "govern as a true conservative", and are going to vote for him anyway.

This will go along way towards sparing me the joke posts, about how "pissed" McCain voters here are that he didn't govern like a true conservative. And I might even vote dem next year, if they nominate a republican to head their ticket! Especially if Stuporfreak owns this.

This way we are clear. You are voting for McCain and you have not been fooled. He will in no way govern as a "true conservative".
Ohhh, so now things are different than they were yesterday? Now, it's ok that McCain isn't going to even attempt to balance the budget?

You call this an economic plan Cawacko? Listen, I just wanted to get you on record. You are fully aware that McCain isn't going to (deep important voice) "govern as a true conservative", and are going to vote for him anyway.

This will go along way towards sparing me the joke posts, about how "pissed" McCain voters here are that he didn't govern like a true conservative. And I might even vote dem next year, if they nominate a republican to head their ticket! Especially if Stuporfreak owns this.

This way we are clear. You are voting for McCain and you have not been fooled. He will in no way govern as a "true conservative".

Actually I'm under no preconseption (is that a word?) that McCain will govern as a 'true conservative'. I wrongly had my hopes up high for Bush. I'm not making that mistake again. If McCain becomes President and does some good things I'll be happily surprised. In 2000 when I voted for Bush I literally yelled at the booth I was so excited. That won't be happening here.

I have a lot of respect for John McCain for what he's been through. He's never been my favorite politician. As is the case with most elections more of his views are closer to mine than the Democrat opponent. As far as economics I like the rhetoric for his plan better than I like Hillary's or Obama's (so far). It's not what I would personally like however.

So there you have it. My two cents.
Actually I'm under no preconseption (is that a word?) that McCain will govern as a 'true conservative'. I wrongly had my hopes up high for Bush. I'm not making that mistake again. If McCain becomes President and does some good things I'll be happily surprised. In 2000 when I voted for Bush I literally yelled at the booth I was so excited. That won't be happening here.

I have a lot of respect for John McCain for what he's been through. He's never been my favorite politician. As is the case with most elections more of his views are closer to mine than the Democrat opponent. As far as economics I like the rhetoric for his plan better than I like Hillary's or Obama's (so far). It's not what I would personally like however.

So there you have it. My two cents.

In order to like McCain’s rhetoric better on the economy, you’d have to believe that the economy is doing just fine now. This is what amazes me. The idea that anyone could be so married to an ideology, that even when it fails, they refuse to look elsewhere, or even to admit it. You know , some say what we need is four more years of this, and that McCain should win, because only when they are personally suffering a complete collapse will people like you finally wake up. And also that at that point we would get actual liberal policies. I can’t be that cynical, but I will admit that I view that as the bright side of any McCain win.

And I guess that you are still OK with this war huh? That is of further amazement to me
In order to like McCain’s rhetoric better on the economy, you’d have to believe that the economy is doing just fine now. This is what amazes me. The idea that anyone could be so married to an ideology, that even when it fails, they refuse to look elsewhere, or even to admit it. You know , some say what we need is four more years of this, and that McCain should win, because only when they are personally suffering a complete collapse will people like you finally wake up. And also that at that point we would get actual liberal policies. I can’t be that cynical, but I will admit that I view that as the bright side of any McCain win.

And I guess that you are still OK with this war huh? That is of further amazement to me

No I don't believe we need more liberal economic policies. I believe we are in a very dynamic time economically with globalization and we need to adjust. Embracing policies such as free trade are even more important as we go forward. Bush passed some very poor economic policies that I would hope McCain doesn't follow. But issues such as lower taxes are a positive to individuals and to businesses. Short version of an answer that could be much longer.

There will be no complete collapse of our economy. That's not going to happen. The U.S. economy is too strong and too resiliant.