Sorry, I SHOULD have said.........


New member
Why is it that ever since the 60's when America saw how DANGEROUS the Left-Wingers are, that they care NOTHING about America or Patriotism, that they HATE America, We have elected Republicans to the White House, except the disaster of Jimmah Carter(double-digit Unemployment, double-dig. inflation), and the DISGRACE of Slick Willie Clinton?

Oh, BTW, I've seen many others use caps, also, so I think I can use them on occasion, for emphasis. I'll try not to get carried away. Communism Fails, every time it's tried. Just ask a Cuban, or a Soviet. The only ones who are happy are the corrupt leaders(Liberal Fascism)

Hey, for Lib crybabies who STILL say pouring water on Terrorists heads is SO bad, check THIS out:

It shows how humane we are, now.
There's a couple on there I'd like to try out on some Liberals, and ask them if they REALLY BELIEVE the bullshit they spew, Haahahaha!
A couple of my favorites are: The Branks, and my Fave, The Pear! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha!
Wait, I shouldn't have said that. To SOME Liberals, that "Pear" isn't torture at all! They might run right out and try to buy one!