Sounds Good on Paper!


New member
What I said, last week, repeating what my President said::cool:

I heard part of a speech Bush gave, in which he said: "This Country has a RIGHT to DEFEND ITSELF, even if some people disagree, no matter WHO "disagrees". The Defense of this Nation, and Homeland Security issues have NOT been decided by POLLS or EDITORIAL COLUMNS." HOORAY, G.W.!!!!! He just told Liberals to KISS HIS ASS!!! Haahahahahaha!
02-08-2008, 03:55 PM

BTW, America has no right to defend itself.

This, above, is what one of the resident Socialist/Collectivists, "Watermark", had to SAY, in answer to Pres.Bush's statement that "We have a RIGHT to defend ourselves." Watermark thinks we HAVE NO RIGHT. We must let the Entire World invade, conquer, and enslave my children, and future generations, after Ten Generations of Americans, since Washington and Jefferson, shed their blood, for their belief in Freedom and Liberty. But I know those are distasteful concepts for those of the Leftist ilk.

Watermark, :BKick:who constantly bashes anyone who believes in God, the sanctity of Marriage, Unborn Life, and any other Conservative Principle, along with "desh", :BKick:another person who shows his/her Naked, Raw HATRED for anyone who does not High-Step March to the Socialist Line. "To each, according to their needs, and from each, according to their means."
Karl Marx, 1875

Hillary, :BKick:with her "Socialized Medicine", and the Democrats in general, with their "Class Warfare", where they try to make the Joe Six-Pack (the lower and middle class) belive that if THEY (the Democrats) are put into POWER, then they will PUNISH "the Rich" (anyone over $100,000), and BY that "punishment" (higher taxes, which are NEVER on just "the Rich"), somehow that "punishment" will HELP "the poor". Only problem is, they WERE in power for FORTY YEARS, and "the poor" are NO better off, or smaller in number, TODAY, or in 1980, or in 1994, or any OTHER year. Because Socialism/Collectivism/Communism JUST DOESN'T WORK! If worded correctly, it sounds good on paper, but in the REAL world, it NEVER works. Because when the Government is ALL-POWERFUL, and everything "provided", a man or woman has nothing to STRIVE for, nothing to WORK TOWARD. Just like the 3rd-generation welfare recipients in America. How many do you HEAR about, that WORK their way OUT of that pitiful existince? One or two out of a HUNDRED? You KNOW Liberals would LOVE to point out those "success stories", there's just not many to POINT OUT.Of COURSE we should take care of those medically or mentally unable, especially veterans, where BOTH sides need to improve, and a TEMPORARY safety net for those who WANT to work. But to sentence GENERATIONS to a meager existince, and take their PRIDE and WORK ETHIC AWAY FROM THEM, is just CRUEL.

Wait, here's a more complete thought, of the Hero of the Leftists, in America, France, Cuba, and anywhere else:
"In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!"
Karl Marx, 1875. :BKick:
You like that one, eh, epi? Good, I gots lots more. BTW, does "epicurus" mean you're over 500 pounds, or that you like to eat? I mean, I love to eat, I'm half Italian, and to us, food, women, music, song (not neccesarily in that order) are the things that make life worth living. And the first things Socialists will tell you are "subversive", "no good for you" and then "Outlawed and Illegal". Well FOOD won't be Illegal, we will just have to wait in block-long lines for bread, potatoes, and toilet paper(another nice thing to have). So you just keep enjoying food, 'cause if Hillary gets in, she just may tell you what you CAN and CANNOT eat. I'm being ridiculous? Well, we don't even HAVE an Ultra-Liberal in Oval Office yet, and they're ALREADY talking about "Special Taxes" on foods that "are not good for you", like Beef, Pork, Butter, and many others. You WILL tow the Party Line. You WILL eat Lemon Grass, and LIKE it!