Sour grapes LOL


Mitt Romney didn't want to be president, anyway.
That's what Tagg Romney, Mitt's oldest son, told the Boston Globe for its big post-mortem on his father's failed presidential bid published on Sunday.
“He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life," Tagg Romney told the paper. "He had no desire to ... run. If he could have found someone else to take his place ... he would have been ecstatic to step aside.
you know the thing is, that's just an odd thing to lie about, that I am inclined to believe it. Who knows, maybe he really did believe he was the one the country needed, but didn't necessarily want it.
Is Mitt just lying some more?

this was a quote from his son, not mitt. i know that his family didn't really want him to run, maybe there is some confusion here. if true, when did he start to feel that way? because he sure took millions in donations and if he really didn't want to run, then he shouldn't have solicited donations.

as grind said, it could be that he really didn't want to, but felt compelled to out of a sense of patriotic duty; however, i don't really buy that given he ran twice and ran from the very beginning of this race, IOW...he didn't jump in when the pool of pubs looked horrible.