South American Unrest


New member
Chavez is a jerk, but this has a lot to do with our drug war.

CARACAS, Venezuela --Venezuela is starting to block billions of dollars in Colombian imports and investment under orders from President Hugo Chavez, threatening economic havoc in both nations in response to a Colombian military attack on rebels hiding in Ecuador.

Chavez and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa demanded international condemnation of Colombia's U.S.-allied government on Wednesday night, while Chavez predicted a sharp fall in the $6 billion in annual Colombia-Venezuela trade: "That's coming down."
True, FARC is said to be involved in the drug trade, but haven't they been a pain in the ass to the Columbian government since before our idiotic war on drugs began?

Chavez is an idiot if he thinks cutting off food shipments from Columbia to Venezuela is a good idea. Venezuela is already experiencing too many food shortages. He would not be stupid enough to risk pissing his people off even further.

He also mentioned nationalizing Columbian companies in Venezuela. (mentioned it, did not say he would do it.... probably just a threat as Columbia and others would immediately retaliate)
FARC gets funding from the drug traffickers and we have built up Columbia's military to fight the drug war.

Like I said, Chavez is a real asshole, but this situation would not be there for him to exploit if it were not for our insane drug war policies.
And now talk fo mushroom clouds in in the FARC...hmmm this has a familiar ring.
And Bush saying we fully back Coloumbia....