Speaker Johnson calls Biden ‘the worst president in the history of the country’


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I guess Mike forgot about his dear leader Trump when he made this statement?!!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) ripped into President Biden on Tuesday, calling him the “worst president in the history of the country” in a discussion about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) floating an effort to impeach Biden.

Greene told reporters Monday she would move to force a vote that night on impeaching Biden over the situation at the U.S. southern border, but said she would hold off until speaking with Johnson first. The two met late Tuesday morning, shortly after Johnson said he was making “no commitment” on Greene’s impeachment effort.

“In general, the impeachment power is one that we wield very carefully here, as I’ve said so many times. Next to the declaration of war, it’s the heaviest power that Congress has,” Johnson said during a Tuesday press conference ahead of his meeting with Greene. “It … needs to be very methodical.

“Look, there’s no question President Biden, I think, is the worst president … I think President Biden’s the worst president in the history of the country, and there may well be impeachable offenses,” he added. “There is an investigation process that’s gone about that has been looked at [by] our committees of jurisdiction, and the process continues, so I’m not making any commitment on that this morning. We have to let the constitutional process and our constitutional responsibility play out.”

The Hill reached out to the White House for comment.

Greene said Monday she may trigger the resolution later this week.

During Greene and Johnson’s meeting, Biden announced his long-expected executive action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally when there is a high volume of daily encounters.

The order would be enforced when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry, senior administration officials said, meaning it will go into effect immediately. Biden issued a proclamation announcing the change under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Johnson, prior to the order’s announcement, called it “weak” and “window dressing.” He argued Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have taken a series of actions and “engineered the open border” over the past three and a half years.


I guess Mike forgot about his dear leader Trump when he made this statement?!!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) ripped into President Biden on Tuesday, calling him the “worst president in the history of the country” in a discussion about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) floating an effort to impeach Biden.

Greene told reporters Monday she would move to force a vote that night on impeaching Biden over the situation at the U.S. southern border, but said she would hold off until speaking with Johnson first. The two met late Tuesday morning, shortly after Johnson said he was making “no commitment” on Greene’s impeachment effort.

“In general, the impeachment power is one that we wield very carefully here, as I’ve said so many times. Next to the declaration of war, it’s the heaviest power that Congress has,” Johnson said during a Tuesday press conference ahead of his meeting with Greene. “It … needs to be very methodical.

“Look, there’s no question President Biden, I think, is the worst president … I think President Biden’s the worst president in the history of the country, and there may well be impeachable offenses,” he added. “There is an investigation process that’s gone about that has been looked at [by] our committees of jurisdiction, and the process continues, so I’m not making any commitment on that this morning. We have to let the constitutional process and our constitutional responsibility play out.”

The Hill reached out to the White House for comment.

Greene said Monday she may trigger the resolution later this week.

During Greene and Johnson’s meeting, Biden announced his long-expected executive action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally when there is a high volume of daily encounters.

The order would be enforced when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry, senior administration officials said, meaning it will go into effect immediately. Biden issued a proclamation announcing the change under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Johnson, prior to the order’s announcement, called it “weak” and “window dressing.” He argued Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have taken a series of actions and “engineered the open border” over the past three and a half years.


Your refuting Johnson's claim?
The R wing of the UniParty do pretty good at rapping, but dont hold your breath waiting for them the demand reinstatement of the Constitution.
One meeting with the CIA and this fuck changes is mind on almost everything......

What does the Swamp have on him? They carry both carrots and sticks, sticks often meaning blackmail material....called collateral in NXIVM.
Republicans have failed and they have failed all the way almost the way through my life....I dont expect them to ever measure up.....that would be a pleasant surprise.
What we see from our overlords is not just incompetence and greed....they are demonic and sadistic.
Just remember, for elites that live in ivory towers, problems the size of elephants on the ground below look like ants to them.
I guess Mike forgot about his dear leader Trump when he made this statement?!!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) ripped into President Biden on Tuesday, calling him the “worst president in the history of the country” in a discussion about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) floating an effort to impeach Biden.

Greene told reporters Monday she would move to force a vote that night on impeaching Biden over the situation at the U.S. southern border, but said she would hold off until speaking with Johnson first. The two met late Tuesday morning, shortly after Johnson said he was making “no commitment” on Greene’s impeachment effort.

“In general, the impeachment power is one that we wield very carefully here, as I’ve said so many times. Next to the declaration of war, it’s the heaviest power that Congress has,” Johnson said during a Tuesday press conference ahead of his meeting with Greene. “It … needs to be very methodical.

“Look, there’s no question President Biden, I think, is the worst president … I think President Biden’s the worst president in the history of the country, and there may well be impeachable offenses,” he added. “There is an investigation process that’s gone about that has been looked at [by] our committees of jurisdiction, and the process continues, so I’m not making any commitment on that this morning. We have to let the constitutional process and our constitutional responsibility play out.”

The Hill reached out to the White House for comment.

Greene said Monday she may trigger the resolution later this week.

During Greene and Johnson’s meeting, Biden announced his long-expected executive action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally when there is a high volume of daily encounters.

The order would be enforced when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry, senior administration officials said, meaning it will go into effect immediately. Biden issued a proclamation announcing the change under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Johnson, prior to the order’s announcement, called it “weak” and “window dressing.” He argued Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have taken a series of actions and “engineered the open border” over the past three and a half years.


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MAGA Mike is kinda stupid.
Question... If Trump is the "worst president ever," then why does Joke Bribem consistently poll lower than Trump?
Because low level people like you follow right-wing propaganda and it makes you dumber. Should we skip the election and say the poll leader won? Have polls ever been wrong?
You actually thought that post said something. Amazing.
Mike Johnson is a conservative Republican.
Simply put, that means that his opinions are relevant to nobody among civilized people.
I guess he wants to be voted out by his own party

Next time he wont have the Democrats helping him retain power

Suck that Putin Johnson
I guess Mike forgot about his dear leader Trump when he made this statement?!!

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) ripped into President Biden on Tuesday, calling him the “worst president in the history of the country” in a discussion about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) floating an effort to impeach Biden.

Greene told reporters Monday she would move to force a vote that night on impeaching Biden over the situation at the U.S. southern border, but said she would hold off until speaking with Johnson first. The two met late Tuesday morning, shortly after Johnson said he was making “no commitment” on Greene’s impeachment effort.

“In general, the impeachment power is one that we wield very carefully here, as I’ve said so many times. Next to the declaration of war, it’s the heaviest power that Congress has,” Johnson said during a Tuesday press conference ahead of his meeting with Greene. “It … needs to be very methodical.

“Look, there’s no question President Biden, I think, is the worst president … I think President Biden’s the worst president in the history of the country, and there may well be impeachable offenses,” he added. “There is an investigation process that’s gone about that has been looked at [by] our committees of jurisdiction, and the process continues, so I’m not making any commitment on that this morning. We have to let the constitutional process and our constitutional responsibility play out.”

The Hill reached out to the White House for comment.

Greene said Monday she may trigger the resolution later this week.

During Greene and Johnson’s meeting, Biden announced his long-expected executive action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally when there is a high volume of daily encounters.

The order would be enforced when the seven-day average of daily border crossings exceeds 2,500 between ports of entry, senior administration officials said, meaning it will go into effect immediately. Biden issued a proclamation announcing the change under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Johnson, prior to the order’s announcement, called it “weak” and “window dressing.” He argued Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have taken a series of actions and “engineered the open border” over the past three and a half years.


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Johnson sucks Putin johnson