Speaker Mike Johnson’s appearance at Trump’s felony trial marks a remarkable moment in US politics


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U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the U.S. judicial system on Tuesday as he became the highest-ranking Republican to attend court with Donald Trump, echoing unsubstantiated or disproven arguments made by the former president and his allies.

It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics. The powerful House speaker signaled a turn of his political party against the federal and state legal systems and demonstrated further loyalty toward Trump, who is accused of having arranged secret payments to a porn actress to hide negative stories during his successful 2016 campaign for president.

The Speaker is another traitor.
I am encouraged by the fact the Republicans are uniting against this unprecedented attack on democracy by the state of NY......once he is re-elected a close look should be taken at the horrible way justice has been abused by this state......
Trump is a traitor and should face the firing squad.
U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the U.S. judicial system on Tuesday as he became the highest-ranking Republican to attend court with Donald Trump, echoing unsubstantiated or disproven arguments made by the former president and his allies.

It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics. The powerful House speaker signaled a turn of his political party against the federal and state legal systems and demonstrated further loyalty toward Trump, who is accused of having arranged secret payments to a porn actress to hide negative stories during his successful 2016 campaign for president.

The Speaker is another traitor.
Can any of those people spell S-T-O-O-G-E?