Special counsel alleges Trump ‘sent’ supporters on path to Jan. 6 violence


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Federal prosecutors on Tuesday accused former president Donald Trump of a long pattern of lying about elections and encouraging violence, saying he “sent” supporters on Jan. 6, 2021 to criminally block the election results.

“Evidence of the defendant’s post-conspiracy embrace of particularly violent and notorious rioters is admissible to establish the defendant’s motive and intent on January 6 — that he sent supporters, including groups like the Proud Boys, whom he knew were angry, and whom he now calls ‘patriots,’ to the Capitol to achieve the criminal objective of obstructing the congressional certification,” prosecutors alleged in a nine-page filing.

E. Pre- and Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Public Attacks on
Individuals, Encouragement of Violence, and Knowledge of the Foreseeable

As the Government has set forth at length in briefing related to the Court’s Rule 57.7 Order,
see, e.g., ECF Nos. 57 and 64, the defendant has an established pattern of using public statements
and social media posts to subject his perceived adversaries to threats and harassment. See ECF
Nos. 57, 64, 120. The indictment includes examples of the defendant’s targeting, including against
his Vice President. See ECF No. 1 at ¶ 97. At trial, the Government will introduce evidence of
this conduct—including the defendant’s public endorsement and encouragement of violence—and
further will elicit testimony from witnesses about the threats and harassment they received after
the defendant targeted them in relation to the 2020 election.

F. Post-Conspiracy Evidence of the Defendant’s Steadfast Support and
Endorsement of Rioters

As described in the Government’s opposition to the defendant’s motion to strike language
from the indictment, ECF No. 140, the Government plans to introduce evidence at trial showing
that in the years since the January 6 attack on the Capitol, the defendant has openly and proudly
supported individuals who criminally participated in obstructing the congressional certification
that day, including by suggesting that he will pardon them if re-elected, even as he has conceded
that he had the ability to influence their actions during the attack.

Perhaps most importantly, the defendant’s embrace of January 6 rioters is evidence of
his intent during the charged conspiracies, because it shows that these individuals acted as he
directed them to act;
indeed, this evidence shows that the rioters’ disruption of the certification
proceeding is exactly what the defendant intended on January 6. And finally, evidence of the
defendant’s statements regarding possible pardons for January 6 offenders is admissible to help
the jury assess the credibility and motives of trial witnesses, because through such comments, the
defendant is publicly signaling that the law does not apply to those who act at his urging regardless
of the legality of their actions.

Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

“If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden said at a fundraising event for his 2024 campaign outside Boston. “We cannot let him win.”

The remarks came towards the end of his remarks as Biden spoke about the risks former President Trump poses to democracy, amid fears a second Trump term would be far more autocratic than the first.
