special remberance

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
for those that like to remember hiroshima and nagasaki, remember the rape of nanking and the bataan death march include the fact that japanese think of non-japanese (and deformed or disfigured japanese) as gaijin (low or foreigner - the word has fallen into the realm of politically incorrect in japan)

soldiers that surrendered were considered to have no honor and were treated accordingly

however, if people want to celebrate allied (u s of a) atrocities, they should point to the fire bombing of tokoyo which killed and maimed more japanese that hiroshima and nagasaki combined

perhaps it is to remember the horror of atomic weapons

but how about the shear horror of war

if we are to fight wars, we should fight them in the arena of total war, thereby ending the war as soon as possible

but today we have

limited war (like what we are fighting in iraq and afghanistan)

biological war (a likely future scenario since biological weapons are easier to create and distribute) which really reduces the gene pool

atomic war - limited survivors but over quickly

war sucks, it kills soldiers and civilians (men, women and children) and limited warfare drags on until one side or the other just gives up

islamic and christan fanatics want to rule the rest of the world under their laws and will not cease fighting until they have their way

so where does this leave us? constant war with fanatics until the really important wars over potable water, energy and resources take over and really begin killing people off

or global change really screws with life on earth with a change so fast and vast that it kill off large segments of life on earth - animal and vegetable but most scary, micro-organisms that all life depends on
for those that like to remember hiroshima and nagasaki, remember the rape of nanking and the bataan death march include the fact that japanese think of non-japanese (and deformed or disfigured japanese) as gaijin (low or foreigner - the word has fallen into the realm of politically incorrect in japan)

soldiers that surrendered were considered to have no honor and were treated accordingly

however, if people want to celebrate allied (u s of a) atrocities, they should point to the fire bombing of tokoyo which killed and maimed more japanese that hiroshima and nagasaki combined

perhaps it is to remember the horror of atomic weapons

but how about the shear horror of war

if we are to fight wars, we should fight them in the arena of total war, thereby ending the war as soon as possible

but today we have

limited war (like what we are fighting in iraq and afghanistan)

biological war (a likely future scenario since biological weapons are easier to create and distribute) which really reduces the gene pool

atomic war - limited survivors but over quickly

war sucks, it kills soldiers and civilians (men, women and children) and limited warfare drags on until one side or the other just gives up

islamic and christan fanatics want to rule the rest of the world under their laws and will not cease fighting until they have their way

so where does this leave us? constant war with fanatics until the really important wars over potable water, energy and resources take over and really begin killing people off

or global change really screws with life on earth with a change so fast and vast that it kill off large segments of life on earth - animal and vegetable but most scary, micro-organisms that all life depends on

War is never going to be a pretty sight.

One of the new problems with fighting a war is the instant communications and news media now so prevalent.

A war is judged (by the world population) based on edited footage from news media outlets.

If you fight an all out war and get it over and finished as quickly as possible, you are going to have a high civilian caualty rate. And will therefore be despised for being a murderer.

If you fight a limited war you drag out the hostilities. You are so careful to avoid killing civilians that your forces are not nearly effective enough to end the war. The longer the war lasts the more against it more people will become. The reasons for the war become lost and the edited footage becomes what people remember.

War is a waste of resources, time, lives and money. Very little is gained in our modern world.
War is a racket .. always was, always will be.

It is a for-profit enterprise is never designed to benefit the common people.

The nukes we dropped on the Japanese were a test, and like any good test, you have to do it twice. Japan is an island and they were completely out of resources. We nuked 'em because we wanted to, not because we had to.

The problem is that we opened a Pandora's Box of a mass-murdering evil that we may someday have to face ourselves.

War is a racket .. but Man is frail, easily scared .. to afraid to recognize the limitations of military power.
War is never going to be a pretty sight.

One of the new problems with fighting a war is the instant communications and news media now so prevalent.

A war is judged (by the world population) based on edited footage from news media outlets.

If you fight an all out war and get it over and finished as quickly as possible, you are going to have a high civilian caualty rate. And will therefore be despised for being a murderer.

If you fight a limited war you drag out the hostilities. You are so careful to avoid killing civilians that your forces are not nearly effective enough to end the war. The longer the war lasts the more against it more people will become. The reasons for the war become lost and the edited footage becomes what people remember.

War is a waste of resources, time, lives and money. Very little is gained in our modern world.

there was a quote from nam about 'which one of you heroes wants to be on tv' - at least they had to film it then, now it can go out live via satellite feed