

Can anyone tell me a single issue (or several issues) on which McCain has offered more specifics regarding his policy proposal than Obama has offered regarding his policy proposal?

I keep hearing that Obama needs to talk about the specifics of his policies (as if anyone actually gives a shit about minutiae) whereas the same is not true of McCain, presumably because he has already offered specifics. But I just don't see it. And Maybe I'm wrong. Can y'all help me out?

The call for "more specifics" just sounds like what people think they ought to say because they heard someone else say it and it sounds like a smart thing to say.
McCain's whole campaign is shredding Obama. Watch the GOP convention next week; they'll pretty much shred Obama every night, and talk very little about the war, the economy or any other issue.

It's absurd; an alien watching the proceedings in America right now would laugh his/her/its ass off. It goes well beyond the usual double-standard.
McCain's whole campaign is shredding Obama. Watch the GOP convention next week; they'll pretty much shred Obama every night, and talk very little about the war, the economy or any other issue.

It's absurd; an alien watching the proceedings in America right now would laugh his/her/its ass off. It goes well beyond the usual double-standard.

Yeah, I saw Pawlenty on TV this morning criticizing Obama's set selection for his speech tonight. Seriously. Apparently, the architecture of America's civil institutions is an improper backdrop for a speech by a presidential nominee.

At the same time he was criticizing Obama's set selection, he said that Obama is running on his celebrity instead of talking about his vision for America. I almost snarfed my coffee. I mean, aside from taking pot shots at Obama at every opportunity for the most irrelevant shit imaginable (set selection, the fact that people actually like Obama) and hyping up his POW experience, what the hell is McCain running on?
John McCain, a former POW, has many great plans for America. As he sat for 5 1/2 long horrible years in a Vietnamese Prisoner of War Camp, he KNEW that one day he would be called upon to lead this great nation. Between the torturious treatment at the hands of his POW captors, he came up with great ideas for the american economy, reforming political campaing financing and fighting the war on Terror. It is absolutely offensive that you would suggest that John S. McCain, a former POW, has no vision for America.
I don't disagree with the premise. The emphasis seems to be more on why Obama is not fit to lead rather than why McCain is and what his real vision is.
Can anyone tell me a single issue (or several issues) on which McCain has offered more specifics regarding his policy proposal than Obama has offered regarding his policy proposal?

I keep hearing that Obama needs to talk about the specifics of his policies (as if anyone actually gives a shit about minutiae) whereas the same is not true of McCain, presumably because he has already offered specifics. But I just don't see it. And Maybe I'm wrong. Can y'all help me out?

The call for "more specifics" just sounds like what people think they ought to say because they heard someone else say it and it sounds like a smart thing to say.

Funny you should say that, but I've been saying that Obama's been a little too specific on his tax policy.

Example. The Forum. McCain took the smart and easy way out in saying that someone who earns $5M a year is rich. Of course that's rich. Obama got into the intricasies (sp?) of his tax plan and gave income levels. He should have taken the easy way out like McCain and said something equally as vague as $6M is rich.