

Well-known member
I didn't get to see mcains speech tonight because I have more important things to do like watch football and drink. Any chance to get an honest opinion of his speech? Not a test of partisanship just asking an undeserved favor. Thank you.
It was pretty good, basically a convention speech. Not excellent like Obama's or Palin's, but pretty good. He defined the differences between himself and Obama using the regular party rhetoric, pretty standard fare. In the early part the audience was very reactive, sometimes too reactive wrecking the flow of the speech, but he handled that pretty well.

Twice at the early part of the speech he was interrupted by a protester, but you couldn't hear the person and the crowd drowned them out with chants of "USA, USA!"

Even that didn't seem to phase him. As the speech went on he then went into some details of his plans and policies, at that time he seemed to be more comfortable, settle into the speech, and therefore did better. He began to get excited and to draw the crowd in, they really started getting into it.

I'd rate it a B+ as compared to Obama's A... And if you were comparing him to Bush, well, there is no comparison. He is far, far better than Bush at public speaking who at his absolute best gets a C.
I thought it was a kinda fluffy. Lots of stuff about reaching across the aisle, working together instead of against each other, etc. It is how I have felt for some time now - even before the dems decided they don't like opposing opinion even from their own. But it sounded a little trite to me.

The one thing that DID play well to me - undoubtedly because of my experiences in Nam (though never as a prisoner of war) - was how such an experience, living away from all that we call America, changed his view of what America is and what it means to be an American. That part is 100% true. Nothing like losing something for a while to truly appreciate it. And McCain lost it far more and longer than I did. Made his conclusion that his desire is to serve the ideals Viet Nam taught him to love very believable.

But again, that is me, as a fellow Nam vet. Dunno how people who have never served would view that part. Maybe it, too was trite. But it actually hit home for me. Still dislike the guy, but maybe not quite as much.
I give Palin's speech an A-, and McCain's a B+. Both were excellent.

As for Obama, he gets a C-. Frankly I've never heard so much lying in such a brief period of time. :(