Spit-ins & Piss-ins


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I am old enough to remember sit-ins:


How many white liberals knew they were actually spit-ins?

What’s worse? Jesse Jackson spitting into whitey’s food or Paula Dean saying “N word”?
Posted by Donna Calvin



Jesse Jackson – spit in white people’s food per Life Magazine article (read on)

The following is from Life Magazine | November 29th, 1969


Life Magazine | November 29th, 1969
… Sometimes he preaches on the legacy of slavery, and one senses that as he stands up there, his eyes ablaze, arms flailing, neck veins rigid, he is feeling every lash of every old whip. During these sermons Jackson sweats profusely, the only visible symptom of sickle-cell trait, a chronic blood disease that saps his stamina but which he ignores in the drama of the moment. Jackson talks about himself at these meetings. Once he told of his days as a waiter at the Jack Tar Hotel in his home town of Greenville, S.C. Just before leaving the kitchen he would spit into the food of white patrons he hated and then smilingly serve it to them. He did this, he said, “because it gave me psychological gratification.” It was something everybody in the audience understood. Don’t believe it? Read the first two pages of the original Life Magazine article.


Da Reverend Jesse was a meanspirited envious man full of hatred when he worked as a waiter. I suspect that the wealth he acquired as a Bible-thumping race hustler only made him more envious.

To nobody’s surprise, race-motivated spit-ins gave birth to political piss-ins:



The Boston Globe found itself in hot water on Wednesday after publishing an opinion piece from a man who said he regretted “not pissing” on a Neo-conservative pundit’s food and encouraging waiters to “tamper” with the food of outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

The article, titled “Keep Kirstjen Nielsen unemployed and eating Grubhub over her kitchen sink,” was written by Luke O’Neil, a former waiter and occasional writer for the Globe. The article now has an editor’s note at the top and has been stealth edited for “tone.” The article originally began:

Boston Globe Publishes, Then Edits Op-Ed Encouraging Waiters
To ‘Tamper With’ Trump Official’s Food
By Ashe Schow
April 11, 2019


I do not know if a political pisser will urinate on the food of black conservatives?