Spring Cleaning


Well spring is upon us and like I do every year, I go through the house and garage and rid myself of tired old junk.

I thought this year, why not do it on JPP as well.

First, I am trimming my thread ban list to include only those who are completely worthless and offer nothing of substance. Those douchebags and douchebaggette are

Legion Fag

Additionally, these same douchebags have irrevocably been put on ignore. There really is no sense to reading anything they post as it is always the same old tired drivel. "SEC this and SEC that" or "Did I say that?" or "I understand if you won't answer" and of course Leon following Legion around like a lovesick puppy.

Now just because the rest of you have been given a pardon my me doesn't mean you can't go back on thread ban.

Have a blessed day