srsly alaska

You voted in a convicted felon.

You should seriously be ejected from the union.

I know, but they are like Senator Stevens and don't think he was convicted by a jury of his peers! Republicans are truly amazing!:clink:
The thing is I just realized that the absentee ballots were probably sent out BEFORE his conviction. They are almost certain to put a convicted felon ahead.

Seriously, you guys shouldn't be a state after this shit.
He won't actually be in, in Alaska they have to replace him with another Republican. The voters voted to have a Republican, whomever it ends up being.
Guys this election in Alaska is coming under big scrutiny.

The numbers are just not adding up right.

This is going to be the place where vote fraud comes bubbling to the surface and Alaska is going to be the butt of many jokes. Look for the AIP to gain some members.
Guys this election in Alaska is coming under big scrutiny.

The numbers are just not adding up right.

This is going to be the place where vote fraud comes bubbling to the surface and Alaska is going to be the butt of many jokes. Look for the AIP to gain some members.

Yeah, turnout was down tremendously. The polls had a massive 16 point turnaround in both the senate and house race, and that's impossible.

There needs to be some probe into this too see what went wrong.
lolz. I'm sure a lot of nutty Republicans said that about Marion Barry and the Democrats too.

Marion Barry was not elected to the United States Sennate. He was not even elected governor of a state. The dude was elected mayor of a city that is not even in one of the United States.

Republicans are truly the scum of the Earth.

You deserve to live in the political wilderness for the next century. You are insane and delusional. Everything in Obama's platform is going to get passed, and we are going to block your attempts to make America an awful place to live. Why don't you move to Somalia and stop fucking up my country, douchebag.
We don't need 60 senators. We need the nuclear option. We need to strip Republicans off of every committee, and revoke their speaking privileges. We need to make it apparent that there's no need for them to even show up for the legislative sessions. They don't deserve it, after what they did to this country.