Stacking The Deck For Biden


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The Alphabet Networks could not elect Hillary Clinton. For some unknown reason FOX liberals think they can stack the deck and elect the Democrat Party’s resident clown Joe Biden:

Fox News hiring Donna Brazile as a political analyst; and Fox News hiring Paul Ryan as one of the small group board members…. now takes on a new dynamic with the revelation that Fox News hired Joe Biden’s former chief-of-staff, Danny O’Brien, as their primary legislative lobbyist on K-Street.

Danny O’Brian now steps conveniently into the role of emissary between the Big Club and the DC political influencers, just as the Club prepares the landscape for Joe Biden.

Motive Synergy – Fox News Hires Joe Biden Former Chief-of-Staff…..
Posted on March 21, 2019
by sundance


I had a horrible revelation. FOX has to deal from the bottom of a deck full of jokers because Joe Biden was always a few cards short of a full deck.


The Alphabet Networks could not elect Hillary Clinton. For some unknown reason FOX liberals think they can stack the deck and elect the Democrat Party’s resident clown Joe Biden:

This is not a great revelation:

3:36 P.M.
An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden
By Lucy Flores

Biden has always been a horny clown:

The Alphabet Networks could not elect Hillary Clinton. For some unknown reason FOX liberals think they can stack the deck and elect the Democrat Party’s resident clown Joe Biden:


Looking at the clown’s physical appearance since he announced he looked tired —— much more tired than Bernie Sanders who is older. I doubt if Democrat voters will nominate either one.

There are so many clowns hustling campaign donations they reminded me of something I said about Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

Finally, the U.N. crowd spent a fortune on the Clintons since 1990. They expected a big payoff in 2016, They came up empty. A win in 2020 is their last chance to recoup all the dough they have been spending on Hillary Clinton since 1992.
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The Alphabet Networks could not elect Hillary Clinton. For some unknown reason FOX liberals think they can stack the deck and elect the Democrat Party’s resident clown Joe Biden:

Fox News hiring Donna Brazile as a political analyst; and Fox News hiring Paul Ryan as one of the small group board members…. now takes on a new dynamic with the revelation that Fox News hired Joe Biden’s former chief-of-staff, Danny O’Brien, as their primary legislative lobbyist on K-Street.

Danny O’Brian now steps conveniently into the role of emissary between the Big Club and the DC political influencers, just as the Club prepares the landscape for Joe Biden.

Motive Synergy – Fox News Hires Joe Biden Former Chief-of-Staff…..
Posted on March 21, 2019
by sundance


I had a horrible revelation. FOX has to deal from the bottom of a deck full of jokers because Joe Biden was always a few cards short of a full deck.


The entire lists of DEMWITS could be playing a deck with 6 aces and jokers wild.....and still not beat TRUMP. He da man. He's schooled these idiots at every turn. :cool:
Looking at the clown’s physical appearance since he announced he looked tired ——

The U.N. lost a fortune betting on Hillary Clinton. Now, China is betting on a tired horse:


On Sunday, Fox News Channel’s Steve Hilton reported on Peter Schweizer’s investigation of former vice president Joe Biden’s family’s business dealings with China’s government, concluding that Biden was “compromised by a foreign power and unfit to be president.”
Hunter Biden — Biden’s second son — secured $1 billion in financing from the Bank of China — an arm of the Chinese government — for a private equity firm founded by himself and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry. That private equity firm was named Bohai-Harvest RST (BHR).

Joe Biden “is the very definition of a corrupt insider,” said Hilton, rejecting left-wing and partisan Democrat marketing of Joe Biden as “a man of the working people.” He profiled Biden in a segment entitled, “Swamp Watch.”

Hilton added, “With Joe Biden … there is a much more worrying relationship with a foreign power, one that presents a vastly bigger threat to America than Russia — China.”

Hilton recalled Joe Biden’s December 2013 trip to China as vice president with Hunter Biden:

In December 2013, then-Vice President Biden rode Air Force Two on an official trip to Asia, as tensions were high over disputed territories in the East China Sea. Biden was joined by his son, Hunter, who was building a private equity firm along with his business partner and friend, Chris Heinz – heir of the Heinz Ketchup family fortune and stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

Joe Biden struck a soft, friendly tone with the Chinese leadership, disappointing allies in the area, like Japan, who were alarmed by China’s increasing aggression. But perhaps Joe had other issues besides the global balance of power on his mind, issues like his son’s business deals.

Hunter’s presence on the trip was far from coincidence. Just 10 days later, his company, Rosemont Seneca, signed an exclusive $1 billion deal with the state-owned Bank of China, creating an investment fund called Bohai Harvest, with money backed by the Chinese government. In the words of Peter Schweizer, who first unveiled these conflicts of interest in his book “Secret Empires,” “the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.” That is what it looks like to be “compromised by a foreign power.”

Hilton noted the values and origins of some of BHR’s other investments, including, “$145,000 from a Kazak oligarch, $1 million from Chinese entities, $1.2 million from a mysterious LLC tied to a Swiss bank that’s been implicated in money laundering, [and] $3.1 million from corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.”

“Joe Biden obviously loves his children and would do anything for them,” remarked Hilton. “I feel the same way about mine. But when you’re the vice president, you can’t run around doing favors for America’s enemies to help make money for your son.”

Hilton continued, “When it came to a choice between working Americans and his donors, he chose the donors. When it came to a choice between working Americans and China, he chose China. He may have started out as a blue-collar boy from Scranton, Pennsylvania, but he ended up as a swampy stooge for Beijing, China.”

“Joe Biden is ‘Joe China,’ and he must never be allowed anywhere near the White House again,” concluded Hilton.

Schweizer previously described the aforementioned deal as an illustration of what he dubbed “the new corruption,” where foreign governments procure political influence through “sweetheart deals” with the children of American and Western politicians
Steve Hilton: China Is ‘Funding Biden Family Businesses’ with ‘Billions of Dollars’
29 Apr 2019 Secretary General Guterres Hypes China’s Belt and Road Initiative


As sure as God made little green apples ‘President Biden’ will pay off the bet on China’s Belt and Road Initiative:

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres attended the sixth annual forum, held in Beijing, to honor China’s ambitious multinational infrastructure program known as the Belt and Road Initiative. As described by the World Bank, the Belt and Road Initiative “aims to strengthen infrastructure, trade, and investment links between China and some 65 other countries that account collectively for over 30 percent of global GDP, 62 percent of population, and 75 percent of known energy reserves.” The links, involving networks of ports, rails and roads, include countries in Central, South and Southeast Asia, the Gulf Countries, and North Africa. China is also extending its initiative to Europe, where it has made significant investments in ports.

Secretary General Guterres was effusive in his praise of China and its Belt and Road Initiative, which he said will benefit the world and help accelerate the achievement of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. “I want to recognize China for its central role as a pillar of international cooperation and multilateralism,” the Secretary General said. “The five pillars of the Belt and Road – policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people exchanges – are intrinsically linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These are conceptual pillars that can be translated into real-life progress for people.”

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a plan for China to replace the U.S. as the world’s economic engine. Communist China might succeed with help from the United Nations and a Democrat in the White House irrespective of the downside.

Secretary General Guterres left out of his encomium some real-world facts. The Belt and Road Initiative is not all milk and honey for the countries on the receiving end of China’s extended helping hand. “Some countries complained about unsustainable debt, while others criticized the overwhelming numbers of Chinese workers imported for construction,” the New York Times reported.

China, for example, used the leverage of Sri Lanka’s huge unpaid debts owed to Chinese state-owned companies to take control of a strategic port that was Chinese-financed. Along with the port came control of thousands of acres of surrounding land. China effectively used the Belt and Road Initiative as a debt trap to force Sri Lanka to give up some sovereign territory. China’s prize, as the New York Times observed, was gaining “control of territory just a few hundred miles off the shores of a rival, India, and a strategic foothold along a critical commercial and military waterway.”

China’s motives for launching and implementing the Belt and Road Initiative were not primarily anchored in the “international cooperation and multilateralism” that Secretary General Guterres attributed to China’s leadership. As reported in an article regarding the Belt and Road Initiative appearing in Congressional Quarterly last January, “The Belt and Road Initiative has translated into greater Chinese geopolitical influence in member countries, a development that has unsettled U.S., African and Western officials, according to China-watchers.” China’s Belt and Road Initiative can be more accurately described as a China First policy.

Secretary General Guterres’s praise of “China’s leadership on climate action” was also overstated. He focused only on the positive narrative, pointing out in his remarks at the Belt and Road Initiative forum that in 2017 “China invested over $125 billion dollars in renewable energy, an increase of at least 25 per cent over the previous year.” He neglected to mention the surge of new coal-fired power plants being constructed in China. According to a report prepared in 2018 by CoalSwarm, “259 Gigawatts (GW) of new capacity are under development in China, comparable to the entire U.S. coal fleet (266 GW). If built, the new plants will increase China’s current coal fleet of 993 GW by 25%.”

When China presented its individual targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in connection with the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which was concluded with much fanfare on Barack Obama’s watch in December 2015, it committed only to “achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030.” China may fall short of even that low bar it had set for itself. “For climate prospects, adding 259 GW of new coal power capacity to the Chinese coal fleet is wildly out of line with the goals of the international Paris agreement, no matter what their start date,” CoalSwarm stated in its report.

Finally, human rights went unmentioned in Secretary General Guterres’ remarks at the Belt and Road Initiative forum, even though human rights are supposed to be one of the three pillars of the United Nations Charter. The other two are economic development and international peace and security.

It is understandable that the Secretary General did not want to go out of his way to offend his hosts. Moreover, in fairness to Secretary General Guterres, he may have planned to raise any troublesome issues on his mind in his private discussions with President Xi and other Chinese government leaders. However, this does not mean that Secretary General Guterres should have used the prestige of his office to provide an unalloyed promotion of the China First policy known as the Belt and Road Initiative

Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist image
By Joseph A. Klein,
April 26, 2019