Stand-Back! Trump Desperation Has Reached MAXIMUM DENSITY!!

December 2, 2016 - Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas, the old saying goes. If so, Donald Trump should be awfully itchy.

The grown-up in the room with Trump — at least the one who’s not related to him — is campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who has a reputation as a capable professional but has been praising her candidate for his supposed “pivot . . . to substance” and vowing, in regard to Clinton, “we’re going to fight her on substance.”

Uh-huh. Now comes Bossie, lauded by Conway as “a battle-tested warrior and a brilliant strategist.”




"Bossie grew up in Massachusetts to parents he has described as "apolitical".

When he first registered to vote he left the political affiliation box blank. When an employee explained to him that it was a requirement for registration in Massachusetts, he said that he wanted to be whatever Ronald Reagan was.
The employee said that she wasn't permitted to tell him but gave him a newspaper and said, "Here, read this, figure it out and fill in the appropriate box."
