Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under pressure


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The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods, but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists.

Two ongoing lawsuits and two congressional inquiries into the Observatory have cost Stanford millions of dollars in legal fees, one of the people told The Washington Post. Students and scholars affiliated with the program say they have been worn down by online attacks and harassment, amid the heated political climate for misinformation research, as legislators threaten to cut federal funding to universities studying propaganda.

Looks like this group pissed both sides off. The Left was pissed off they were critical of and looked into the Left's censorship of social media while the Right was pissed off that they didn't do anything about the Left's censorship of social media.
The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods, but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists.

Two ongoing lawsuits and two congressional inquiries into the Observatory have cost Stanford millions of dollars in legal fees, one of the people told The Washington Post. Students and scholars affiliated with the program say they have been worn down by online attacks and harassment, amid the heated political climate for misinformation research, as legislators threaten to cut federal funding to universities studying propaganda.

So it could stand the scrutiny of two law suits and a Congressional inquiry. Sounds like it is a good thing they are closing shop. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods, but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists.

Two ongoing lawsuits and two congressional inquiries into the Observatory have cost Stanford millions of dollars in legal fees, one of the people told The Washington Post. Students and scholars affiliated with the program say they have been worn down by online attacks and harassment, amid the heated political climate for misinformation research, as legislators threaten to cut federal funding to universities studying propaganda.
