Starve the Beast: How to Properly Go Galt and avoid paying taxes


Keeps It Simple
1. Buy used or new via secondary markets. Use Craigslist to find new stuff at less than retail... and you pay no taxes into the system.

2. Contribute to the secondary market by having a yard sale, you've probably got tons of junk you haven't even seen in years.

3. Forget status symbols and keeping-up-with-the-Jones'. Maybe you can afford that nice new car, but you’ll pay A TON of taxes on it. Find a lesser vehicle that makes you happy that feeds the beast less, perhaps one bartered from within the family.

4. Invest and hold. Avoid taxable capital gains until Jan 2017.

5. FIX YOUR STUFF instead of replacing it. So many people look at durable possessions as disposable. Take those pants to the tailor, or better yet, get a used sewing machine and fix them yourself. Find someone with a welding machine to fix that patio chair.

6. Maintain your possessions properly. Clean the dust out of your computer. Keep on top of the car, house, and tools.

7. Plant a garden and grow as much of your own food as possible... and don't forget spices in your window box, fresh is best anyway..

8. Enjoy life more simply. Choose a day at the park over an afternoon at the movies. Attend a church cookout instead of going to Outback.
9. Speaking of things like the movies - stop going (Ed- I did years ago). Wait for the DVD and rent it for $1 at Redbox. If there is a cheaper option to do something, take that option.

Or - here’s a radical idea - buy used books dirt cheap and READ.

10. Set up two days a week to run errands. Run them all at once and efficiently instead of wasting money (and taxes) on fuel. If your workplace offers a work-from-home option, TAKE IT. (The 'green' Left will love this one, but we're talking about opportunities to avoid paying taxes into the system, while saving yourself some coin in the process) .

11. Create gifts instead of buying them.

12. Barter for goods and services under-the-table

13. Avoid all union shops, products, and services

14. If possible, move to a low-tax Red state

15. Lower the amount the feds withhold from your paycheck- just take the maximum allowable deductions. Yes, it may mean you have to 'pay' come tax time BUT if just 10% of the people who receive paychecks would do this it would put a severe crimp on the DC cash flow. Just stash the extra cash somewhere and come tax time if you need it to pay Uncle Obama well then you have it.
1. Buy used or new via secondary markets. Use Craigslist to find new stuff at less than retail... and you pay no taxes into the system.
Avoiding local sales tax does nothing to make the natl. govt. smaller. In fact, it causes you to ruin your own back yard.

2. Contribute to the secondary market by having a yard sale, you've probably got tons of junk you haven't even seen in years.

Your customers pay quite a bit in fed/state taxes on the gas it takes to visit your yard sale.
3. Forget status symbols and keeping-up-with-the-Jones'. Maybe you can afford that nice new car, but you’ll pay A TON of taxes on it. Find a lesser vehicle that makes you happy that feeds the beast less, perhaps one bartered from within the family.
You'll pay taxes on the parts it takes to fix up that old piece of junk every month. I can see the top 1% driving clunkers around just to avoid sales tax on the difference between trade in, and purchase price. I think you pay less in taxes if you lease.

4. Invest and hold. Avoid taxable capital gains until Jan 2017.
Hah! Most to the 'elite' get paid via schemes that are subject to cap gains taxation. Not getting a paycheck for 5 years is really going to work nicely for the economy.

5. FIX YOUR STUFF instead of replacing it. So many people look at durable possessions as disposable. Take those pants to the tailor, or better yet, get a used sewing machine and fix them yourself. Find someone with a welding machine to fix that patio chair.
Again...cutting off your nose, to spite your face. Screwing the local economy via sales tax avoidance. It was a stupid idea the first time you suggested it, and it's still a stupid idea.

6. Maintain your possessions properly. Clean the dust out of your computer. Keep on top of the car, house, and tools.
You pay sales tax on everything it takes to 'keep on top of' your investments.

7. Plant a garden and grow as much of your own food as possible... and don't forget spices in your window box, fresh is best anyway..
Brilliant. There is no tax on food unless you eat out.

8. Enjoy life more simply. Choose a day at the park over an afternoon at the movies. Attend a church cookout instead of going to Outback
.Once again, screwing your community out of sales tax income, in order to do what, again?
9. Speaking of things like the movies - stop going (Ed- I did years ago). Wait for the DVD and rent it for $1 at Redbox. If there is a cheaper option to do something, take that option.
You'll save a lot more than taxes. Your wife/husband and kids will leave after months of never leaving the house, never eating out, and never being able to drive a car that doesn't break down on the way to the Church pancake breakfasts.
Or - here’s a radical idea - buy used books dirt cheap and READ.
More than likely, those who would subscribe to the list above, don't know how to read.

10. Set up two days a week to run errands. Run them all at once and efficiently instead of wasting money (and taxes) on fuel. If your workplace offers a work-from-home option, TAKE IT. (The 'green' Left will love this one, but we're talking about opportunities to avoid paying taxes into the system, while saving yourself some coin in the process) .Work from home, and keep the heat/a.c running at full blast instead of being able to turn it down when you go to work. How many people in this economy have the option to work at home?
Run your furnace/a.c all day in order to work from home? How many people actually have that option in this economy? Are you going to 'run errands' on your way to all of those yard sales?

11. Create gifts instead of buying them.
"Here...I made you this thingy in order to avoid the $1.60 in sales tax" Do you like it? It's made from recycled garbage. BTW, they can't fix our roads in town because everyone is making 'thingies' for Xmas.

12. Barter for goods and services under-the-table
Make sure you carry a gun. There won't be any cops to protect you. And how do you barter when you've sold all your junk at a yard sale?

13. Avoid all union shops, products, and services
It this were possible, you'd increase the profits of non union companies, thus forcing them to pay higher taxes. I'm sure they won't mind.

14. If possible, move to a low-tax Red state
Wait...let me guess...barter for your new home to avoid taxation?

Lower the amount the feds withhold from your paycheck- just take the maximum allowable deductions. Yes, it may mean you have to 'pay' come tax time BUT if just 10% of the people who receive paychecks would do this it would put a severe crimp on the DC cash flow. Just stash the extra cash somewhere and come tax time if you need it to pay Uncle Obama well then you have it.
Many people do this now. Of course, they can't afford to 'stash' the cash. They spend it.
the OP really loves their country left them by the founders huh.

Grover had a plan to starve the beast to.

then he would outright kill it once it was weak enough.

The right wing nutters hate this country.
the OP really loves their country left them by the founders huh.

Grover had a plan to starve the beast to.

then he would outright kill it once it was weak enough.

The right wing nutters hate this country.

Nobody supports "no government". That is a fallacious argument
the OP really loves their country left them by the founders huh.

Grover had a plan to starve the beast to.

then he would outright kill it once it was weak enough.

The right wing nutters hate this country.
like you leftie statists don't?? you hate the what the founders left as much, if not more than, the OP.