State of the Board Address...


Staff member
At the beginning of 2007 the board was all of 4 months and one week old. We had less than 100 members and were averaging a massive 200 posts per day.

Currently we have 275 members (including the awesome, as well as the not so awesome trolls) and average on a weekday between 700 to 1000 posts per day, and on a weekend about 300 posts. Even on a weekend we beat the posts.

Since the beginning of the year I have moved to a quicker server, that has proved to be touchy at times, but still provide better service than the previous server did. Those long wait for posts has pretty much ended. And life is good.

We have tested the One on One debates, there are times where they are more popular than others... and they work, but can be improved. And I think they will be better run when there are more members on the board. The goal is/was to make debates that have a time constraint and a moderator to keep the posts within the constraint. The debate would then be closed and the membership would vote on the winner. I think this will be fun when it is better able to be implemented in that fashion rather than just a thread for two people to use open fashioned.

The Chat Room doesn't appear to be the favorite feature, but there are people who are asking why we don't use it during debates, etc. It may still become more popular as well.

I plan on adding more functionality to the site in the future, such as an area with news feeds where links can be easily obtained for all sorts of news. However, this must be done when I have more time to devote to adding functionality. Later I would also like to look into writing articles, and accepting articles from the membership to be published in that same news area, even attempting to do live feed interviews with political figures that can also be downloaded later for your listening pleasure. This, of course, also will depend on the time that I have to devote to the site and access to political figures...

I'd like some input from members on contests we may wish to implement.


Well, I hope you enjoy the site, I know I certainly enjoy "speaking" with some of the best posters on the internet.

I would like to add, we have had our fair share of dramatic interludes. We have people here that range in age from the very young, to the very old, to Battlebourne old. We all can enjoy this site because of one man. Damocles, here's to you.
Thanks for soliciting input Damo. You've done an excellent job thus far and look forward to the board growing through the years.
Personally, I think the board could use a few more skins. I can't stomach the other two other than old style and frankly I'm a little board of it. But that's only because you asked! :)
Folks, is it me, or is Damocles being as sneaky and transparent as a lib here? It is obvious to any body that Damo went through this big rigamoroli, in an attempt to smoke RJS out, in the hopes of snaring me for a live-feed interview, so he can piggy-back on my cyber coattails?

Damocles, don’t try to outmensa a mensa, capice? However, since you are not too bad, I will forgive this child-like in its stupitity attempt to outmaneuver me, and I will grant you a live interview, and even take some questions? No doubt they will all be from the lib girly men wanting to know how RJS attracts all of the lib babes? I do not keep my own counsel or calendar of course, you will have to work out the interview times with my man-Friday Asshat, if he is still with me by the end of the week, I am looking? His recent performance has been disappointing, he has missed shining my size 13 Ferragamos two weeks in a row now, he is too busy trying to bang my 64 year old, diabetically obese mother? I am considering make one of the Rontards my new Manservant, butt, will take applications from the lib girly man, at least with them I will not have to worry about my mother, butt, I will have to keep a close eye on my horse? LOL, Touche.
"I plan on adding more functionality to the site in the future"

Some pornography links, please (you appear to have a lot of Peter North fans on the site), and a Gay porn Forum for Asshat and Cawacko.

Congratulations Damo, great job. :)
Well el beefy..............

I would like to add, we have had our fair share of dramatic interludes. We have people here that range in age from the very young, to the very old, to Battlebourne old. We all can enjoy this site because of one man. Damocles, here's to you.

If I am 'battleborne old'...that must mean you are surely 'diaper young' a matter of fact I think you could use a change in the diapers about now!

As for your new sig pic...wanna race for 'pink slips' ? (titles for you youngn's)

Never mind USC could not pull the cart fast enough...he is a old fart older than me...:cof1:
You should do something to make it easier to embed links. I think you can do it now, but if I remember correctly it's a fairly cumbersome process and it isn't clear that there is an embedded link. Other than that, the board is great.
Of all boards on all the internets Im glad I walked into your joint Damo.

Without a doubt you are the classiest most fair moderator I have ever had the pleasure to read.

Thanks for keeping this site going dude.
Of all boards on all the internets Im glad I walked into your joint Damo.

Without a doubt you are the classiest most fair moderator I have ever had the pleasure to read.

Thanks for keeping this site going dude.

I'm pretty classy also. (.)(.)
You should do something to make it easier to embed links. I think you can do it now, but if I remember correctly it's a fairly cumbersome process and it isn't clear that there is an embedded link. Other than that, the board is great.
Thanks everybody for all the good words.

To imbed links simply click the globe at the top. Put the link into the box, when you hit enter it will automatically highlight the text to replace, just type in the words you want to see then post the reply or new thread.

Globe at the top?

Put down the bong Beefy. When you hit advanced reply right next to the indentation buttons, you'll see the globe. Otherwise its right next to the font edits in above your reply box.
It's also at the top of the Quick reply box.

In order to imbed the link you need to replace the text that gets automatically highlighted...

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