Stay Classy Tennessee Republican Party


An indication of what the general election will look like:

NASHVILLE, TN - The Tennessee Republican Party today joins a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.

“It’s time to set the record straight about Barack Obama and where he really stands on vital issues such as national security and the security of Israel,” said Robin Smith, chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. “Voters need to know about two items that surfaced today which strongly suggest that an Obama presidency will view Israel as a problem rather than a partner for peace in the Middle East.

On Sunday, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan on Sunday likened Obama to a new messiah, calling him “the hope of the entire world.” That’s the same Louis Farrakhan who has a history of making openly anti-Semitic statements, calling Judaism a “gutter religion,” and suggesting that crack cocaine might have been a CIA plot to enslave blacks.

Farrakhan, addressing 20,000 people at the annual Savior’s Day celebration in Chicago, praised the Democrat presidential candidate, calling Obama “The hope of the entire world that America will change and be made better.”

He also compared Obama to the founder of Islam, remarking that both had a white mother and black father, according to the Associated Press. “A black man with a white mother became a savior to us,” Farrakhan said. “A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.”

Obama, (pictured dressed in Muslim attire in a 2006 visit to Africa) has on the campaign trail pledged to rapidly remove American soldiers from Iraq regardless of the resulting instability and the creation of opening that would be filled by Islamic extremists, like Al Qaeda, in Iraq’s government and military.

Obama has pledged to hold a Muslim Summit to determine Middle East policy with the very leaders that have as their goal to remove Israel from the map, referenced Jews to be “dogs” and “pigs,” among other vile references.

Over the weekend, news reports surfaced casting more disturbing evidence of Obama’s anti-Israel leanings.

The board of a nonprofit organization on which Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a “catastrophe.”

The co-founder of that organization, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, who also has held a fundraiser for Obama, is a harsh critic of Israel and has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror. Khalidi reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.

The Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit that describes itself as a group helping the disadvantaged, provided a $40,000 grant in 2001 to the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, for which Khalidi’s wife, Mona, serves as president. The Fund provided a second grant to the AAAN for $35,000 in 2002. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website. Tax records show he was paid $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2001.

Also serving on the Wood’s Fund board alongside Obama was current University of Illinois-Chicago professor William C. Ayers, who was a member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the U.S. government and took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971.

“You don’t even have to go outside Obama’s campaign to find advisers who are anti-Israel,” said Bill Hobbs, communications director for the Tennessee Republican Party. “Robert Malley, a principal foreign policy adviser to Obama, has advocated negotiations with the Iranian-funded radical terrorist group Hamas and urged that Hamas – which sends suicide bombers to kill innocent women and children - receive international assistance.”

According to, an online guide to the political Left, Malley “consistently condemns Israel, exonerates Palestinians, urges U.S. disengagement from Israel, and recommends that America reach out to negotiate with its traditional Arab enemies.”

“Nothing in Barack Obama’s history or his choice of advisers suggests he will be a friend to Israel,” said Hobbs. “On the contrary, supporters of Israel should view a possible Obama administration with extreme caution, as America’s ally is being put in the cross-hairs by the anti-Jewish left.”

It's like a smörgåsbord of smears. You've got some Farrakhan nonsense. Some "Obama is an anti-Semite" thrown in. Mix in some Obama is a Muslim (or maybe he just dresses like one). Fold in some Obama is a domestic terrorist. You end up with the GOP's entire campaign. Good work Tennessee GOP!

An indication of what the general election will look like:

It's like a smörgåsbord of smears. You've got some Farrakhan nonsense. Some "Obama is an anti-Semite" thrown in. Mix in some Obama is a Muslim (or maybe he just dresses like one). Fold in some Obama is a domestic terrorist. You end up with the GOP's entire campaign. Good work Tennessee GOP!


If they go this way, and you’re right, I think they will too – they’re going to drive more and more of our youth into the democratic party, or at least, far away from the republican party. I really think that we are watching the Republican party consign themselves to a regional party of southern, old, white men, and that means, they’re not going to be in power much in the coming decades.
If they go this way, and you’re right, I think they will too – they’re going to drive more and more of our youth into the democratic party, or at least, far away from the republican party. I really think that we are watching the Republican party consign themselves to a regional party of southern, old, white men, and that means, they’re not going to be in power much in the coming decades.

that is my hope, that they put themselves in the minority for another 30 years or so. It seems to take people that long to forget how bad the republicans screwed the pooch the last time they were in power.
I made the mistake of reading the "comments" from a Foxnews article yesterday on the Bill Cunningham thing. If you ever want to remind yourself about how stupid America is in general, I'd recommend it.

One poster was saying something like "His middle name is HUSSEIN people...think about it! Does anyone really doubt what this guy is about? Wake up!"

The rest weren't much better.
I made the mistake of reading the "comments" from a Foxnews article yesterday on the Bill Cunningham thing. If you ever want to remind yourself about how stupid America is in general, I'd recommend it.

One poster was saying something like "His middle name is HUSSEIN people...think about it! Does anyone really doubt what this guy is about? Wake up!"

The rest weren't much better.
sHHH.... His name really is Hussein... ;)
I made the mistake of reading the "comments" from a Foxnews article yesterday on the Bill Cunningham thing. If you ever want to remind yourself about how stupid America is in general, I'd recommend it.

One poster was saying something like "His middle name is HUSSEIN people...think about it! Does anyone really doubt what this guy is about? Wake up!"

The rest weren't much better.

Do you think it was John Gibson using an alias? it wouldn't surprise me. Those fools.
Screw Israel-- Israel does not look out for US interests, it pursues Israeli interests with a mix of hatred and hypocrisy, then cries to us for help when the international community takes notice.
The crazy fundamentalist Protestants that support Israel solely because they have decided that the State of Israel is the same as the Israel of the Bible are just as scary as the fundamentalist Muslims, if not worse.
Well it IS the Tennessee Republican party. They probably don't read much about Barak unless someone spoon feeds it to them. This is two days in a row with people affiliated with or supporting vocally the republicans and their candidate and they have resorted to this sort of intellectually bankrupt form of smear politics. And yet many of you will remain a member of that very same party. Republicans of the board, this is YOUR Republican Party
John SIDNEY McCain blahblah... John SIDNEY McCain blahblah.. John SIDNEY Mc/Cain

LOL, how childish is that ?
Jeez....I didn't know John McCain's middle name was Sidney. That's just like Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols.

We can't have an irresponsible heroin addict who might have murdered someone as President! Wake up, people!
Jeez....I didn't know John McCain's middle name was Sidney. That's just like Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols.

We can't have an irresponsible heroin addict who might have murdered someone as President! Wake up, people!
Shhh.... Hussein....

Trumped! :tongout: