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<sigh> And here I thought I'd discovered one of the rarest of beings -- a right-winger on a politics forum that it was possible to have rational discussions with. How wrong I was.
You should research the origin here of the gif before you pass judgement.
<sigh> And here I thought I'd discovered one of the rarest of beings -- a right-winger on a politics forum that it was possible to have rational discussions with. How wrong I was.

There's irrational partisans on both sides of the aisle. ;)

You have to admit that gif is pretty funny. Though it depends on how it's used. I have a liberal friend on another forum that would die laughing if I used that on him, but of course, I wouldn't mean it maliciously, and obviously not really talking about his mom.

I'll never get that those 15 minutes I burned last night crafting a rational and civil response to what I took as *his* rational and civil response. Mine was never replied to, btw. That should have been my first clue that I was needlessly flinging Acme RWNJ Troll Chow in his direction. Ah well. Live n learn, eh?
I'll never get that those 15 minutes I burned last night crafting a rational and civil response to what I took as *his* rational and civil response. Mine was never replied to, btw. That should have been my first clue that I was needlessly flinging Acme RWNJ Troll Chow in his direction. Ah well. Live n learn, eh?
Yes, long, long ago I use to engage him, but it really is futile, he’s another CINO, too, it’s better to just ignore.
There's irrational partisans on both sides of the aisle. ;)

You have to admit that gif is pretty funny. Though it depends on how it's used. I have a liberal friend on another forum that would die laughing if I used that on him, but of course, I wouldn't mean it maliciously, and obviously not really talking about his mom.

Yeah, both sides have their share of NJs, but yours seems to be over-burdened. Have you ever thought about Soylent Green?

As for the gif, I guess it must be "guy humor" or something, but it's not funny to me at all. Sorry.
You should have payed closer attention to the ban list on my discussion.

So true. Won't make that mistake again!

Have a great evening, JD. BTW, that story you posted on my FB about the guy flying off in his home-made rocket to prove that the Earth is flat just cracked me up. I hope he doesn't crack up.