Steve Bannon Prison Sentence Sparks MAGA Meltdown

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Conservatives launched into melodramatic meltdown mode after a judge sentenced Steve Bannon to four months in prison for defying a congressional subpoena from the January 6 committee.

Representative Matt Gaetz wrote, presumably as he collapsed in slow motion onto a fainting couch, “It is with great sadness and anger that we observe the death of the judicial system in America.”

“And they’re sending him to prison—not just to torture him but to torture us,” Gaetz added, presumably under the impression the American public will be in shambles without Bannon spewing white nationalist hate while wearing 17 layers of shirts.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was similarly superficially apoplectic, decrying the January 6 committee as “FAKE” and announcing, “The DOJ is completely corrupt!!
All he had to do was honor the subpoenas. He snubbed them and told them he was not going to testify. It took a while, but the disgusting jerk is paying for ignoring the Congressional subpoenas. Trumpys are beyond the law.
Magat tears pushing a message of 'it is unfair to prosecute us and convict us for our crimes, when obviously we are white' is just delicious.




