still crazy after all these years

Story from over 2 years ago? Come on. We know you don't like Bill, but do we need to repost this same story about him every 2 years?
What I find most interesting. Is on his radio show I consistently hear him talking down nutjobs who are against Obama because of Wright.
I didn't know this; I don't care if it's 2 years old. How about addressing the content guys?

The guy is a menace...
I didn't know this; I don't care if it's 2 years old. How about addressing the content guys?

The guy is a menace...
I addressed it 2 years ago. When it happened and she posted it. Seriously, dredge up the old thread, don't repost like you found something new.
I didn't know this; I don't care if it's 2 years old. How about addressing the content guys?

The guy is a menace...

Because I'm not here to defend O'Reilley and Desh has posted enough crap from Media Matters where they spin their partisan B.S. it gets old.
I love how he is unable to mention Olbermann's name, or tolerate hearing it from others.

I would imagine that is the desired effect for Keith...
Oh my God!!!! Was he doing his Keith Olbermann imitation?

Heres a little note ofr you to think about cawacko. Bill Oliely has was wrong about everything over the last decade and Oberman has been proven to be the journalist who stood and asked questions to power over the last decade.

Kieth turned out to be right to question this admin and Billo turned out to be very fucking wrong.

How do you aline that with your point of view?
Heres a little note ofr you to think about cawacko. Bill Oliely has was wrong about everything over the last decade and Oberman has been proven to be the journalist who stood and asked questions to power over the last decade.

Kieth turned out to be right to question this admin and Billo turned out to be very fucking wrong.

How do you aline that with your point of view?

What kind of comment and blanket generalization is that? You talk about wanting kids to be taught to think well that comment takes absolutely zero thought. If you are on the left and opposed Bush you are right about everything. If you are on the right you are wrong about everything. Wow, that's deep thanks.

I rarely see O'Reilley's show but I know he likes to focus on child rape and punishing rapists etc. He's wrong on that? You want people who molest children to have very lenient sentences? That's your opinion and that's fine but I'd say that would go against most of the country's. Is that Keith's position as well?
Yeah and jimmy swaggart preached very strongly against porn and prostitution too. Hmm could that mean the Billo is.....? And toe tapper was very anti gay, etc.... denial is a Republican tradition.
Yeah and jimmy swaggart preached very strongly against porn and prostitution too. Hmm could that mean the Billo is.....? And toe tapper was very anti gay, etc.... denial is a Republican tradition.

How do you compare porn and prostitution to kids being raped? That's sick.
Cawacko hes a blowhard selfimportant asshole who beat the drums for war and has defened evrything this administration has done. I dont give a fuck what he ahs to say about social issues. He had to pay his female assistant money because she was called and harrassed by his old dirty ass. She recorded his fucking unwanted sex talk to her. Hes a hypocrit and dosent deserve the airtime Fox gives him.

He was wrong on WMDs, AQties, Fallughia and all the same shit he defended thios admin for over all these years WHILE Olberman questioned the admin just like a REAL journalist is supposed to do.
Cawacko hes a blowhard selfimportant asshole who beat the drums for war and has defened evrything this administration has done. I dont give a fuck what he ahs to say about social issues. He had to pay his female assistant money because she was called and harrassed by his old dirty ass. She recorded his fucking unwanted sex talk to her. Hes a hypocrit and dosent deserve the airtime Fox gives him.

He was wrong on WMDs, AQties, Fallughia and all the same shit he defended thios admin for over all these years WHILE Olberman questioned the admin just like a REAL journalist is supposed to do.

Do you watch him every night to know he had those positions?
Do you watch him every night to know he had those positions?

Yes I do watch Olberman every night.

He is the only one for years now who has questioned the bullshit this admin constantly says.

He turned out to be right to question them just like I did.

I dont waste my time and mind on Oliely , clips of him doing his idiot rants are quite enough. I can read about his antics too ,its much better than watching the perverted asshole talk.