Stingy bastiches won't support their own party.


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GOP takes out loan to help Senate candidates
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Oct 28, 4:11 PM (ET)

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican National Committee is taking out a $5 million line of credit to help Senate Republican incumbents who are facing re-election difficulties.

The national party committee plans to give $2 million directly to the National Republican Senatorial Committee for the final days before the Nov. 4 elections, party officials said Tuesday. It also plans to spend $3 million in coordination with several Senate Republican campaigns. Officials would not disclose which races they intend to assist with the money.

At least eight Republican-held seats could switch to the Democratic Party, according to polls. The NRSC has been outspent by its Democratic Party counterpart. It also has been short of cash to give a hand to its troubled candidates.
Sounds like SOME people are actually thinking for themselves. And in doing so coming to the quite valid conclusion that the republican party no longer supports the ideals that brought people to register as republican.

Now, if democrats would do the same with the democratic party, we may have a chance of putting this country back on track.

Unfortunately it does not look likely. Instead of realizing the democratic party no longer represents the people, the devoted are willfully - in some cases gleefully - following them down the trail to extremism as bad (though different) as anything Bush & Co. ever tried to pull.
GOP takes out loan to help Senate candidates
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At least eight Republican-held seats could switch to the Democratic Party, according to polls. The NRSC has been outspent by its Democratic Party counterpart. It also has been short of cash to give a hand to its troubled candidates.

Which means that most politicians stand for nothing. Follow the money! :rolleyes: