stomping on your childrens dreams

The youth of America will suck it up and shut up like any other supporter. Please let us not start basing our elections on the theory that has ruined our education system-- that everyone has to feel good about themselves, not excel.

I could give a flying fuck how their candidate losing will make them feel...pussies.
if Hillary gets nomination My bet is all the republicans line up behind mccain and he wins including right leaning independents like me.
You may be right because many of these young voters may not even vote.

What do you think of the Nixon dirty tricks during the campaign?
As the days to the November election counted down, President Johnson mounted a last-ditch effort to achieve a Vietnam peace deal with North Vietnam and the Vietcong through negotiations in Paris. Besides starting to bring U.S. troops home, the deal also might have given Humphrey the boost he needed to edge out Nixon.

According to what is now an extensive body of evidence, the Nixon campaign countered by dispatching Anna Chennault, an anti-communist Chinese leader, to carry messages to the South Vietnamese government of Nguyen van Thieu.
Chennault’s messages advised Thieu that a Nixon presidency would give him a more favorable result than he would get from Johnson.

Journalist Seymour Hersh described the initiative sketchily in his biography of Henry Kissinger, The Price of Power. Hersh reported that U.S. intelligence “agencies had caught on that Chennault was the go-between between Nixon and his people and President Thieu in Saigon. … The idea was to bring things to a stop in Paris and prevent any show of progress.”

In her own autobiography, The Education of Anna, Chennault acknowledged that she was the courier. She quoted Nixon aide John Mitchell as calling her a few days before the 1968 election and telling her: “I’m speaking on behalf of Mr. Nixon. It’s very important that our Vietnamese friends understand our Republican position and I hope you made that clear to them.”

Reporter Daniel Schorr added fresh details in The Washington Post’s Outlook section on May 28, 1995. Schorr cited decoded cables that U.S. intelligence had intercepted from the South Vietnamese embassy in Washington.

On Oct. 23, 1968, Ambassador Bui Dhien cabled Saigon with the message that “many Republican friends have contacted me and encouraged me to stand firm.” On Oct. 27, he wrote, “The longer the present situation continues, the more favorable for us. … I am regularly in touch with the Nixon entourage.”

On Nov. 2, Thieu withdrew from his tentative agreement to sit down with the Vietcong at the Paris peace talks, destroying Johnson’s last hope for a settlement. Though Johnson and his top advisers knew of Nixon’s gambit, they kept it secret.
You may be right because many of these young voters may not even vote.

What do you think of the Nixon dirty tricks during the campaign?

i think Hillary is pulling all the tricks this time around. that woman is pure evil.
The youth of America will suck it up and shut up like any other supporter. Please let us not start basing our elections on the theory that has ruined our education system-- that everyone has to feel good about themselves, not excel.

I could give a flying fuck how their candidate losing will make them feel...pussies.

Except he will win.

Since you assholes have stated repeatedly and loudly that the private sector has no responsibility for the well being of americans, expect less privatization and more free handouts for the people you despise. What do you really expect?
yes chap Obama has the limosine liberals me included.
I wouldn't go as far as calling the school teachers under 50K crap, they just aren't money motivated.
I hope you get AIDS and die useless loser cunt. The right has destroyed America.

How so? I'm pretty sure that if America had been destroyed, the infrastructure would be one of the first things to go-- and since we are having this online conversation, I find it hard to believe that America is gone.
How so? I'm pretty sure that if America had been destroyed, the infrastructure would be one of the first things to go-- and since we are having this online conversation, I find it hard to believe that America is gone.

You're faux-machismo indifference and hatred for everything unselfish bores me.
How so? I'm pretty sure that if America had been destroyed, the infrastructure would be one of the first things to go-- and since we are having this online conversation, I find it hard to believe that America is gone.

He's talking about the dissolution of america as a nation, and substition of corporate loyalty for all other loyalties.