Stop The Vicious Tea Party Blackmail and War Against American Citizens


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Forget all the details of what went wrong with the dysfunctional debt ceiling debate and how we got to where we are today. The fact is, Republicans, as Boehner was quick to say, got everything they wanted -- or at least 98%.

Now, instead of focusing on the immediate concerns of unemployment and a diving economy, Republicans will spend countless hours on passing a balanced budget amendment which, even if it is passed by two-thirds of the congress, will take months or even years to get three-fourths of the states to ratify.

The chances of getting unemployment down to 8% or less is considered impossible by most economic gurus. The accepted orthodox thinking by pundits like Chris Matthews is that no president has been reelected with unemployment at 8% or more. In order for that to happen (at least hypothetically) a minimum of 275,000 jobs must be added each month between now and the next general election.

So, if that's a slam-dunk truism then it should follow that Barack Obama will not be reelected and whomever the Republicans choose for their presidential nominee will enter the White House by default.

We can understand then why Republican/Tea Partyers are so euphoric over their chances. Given the "slam dunk" unemployment scenario, anyone, even a Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain and who knows, even crackpots like Sharron Angle, Carl Paladino and Christine O'Donnell will see an opening since it has become axiomatic that ANY Republican will win the White House.

If that is the case, then I think it's also safe to assume that with a Republican president we will see them run the table in November 2012 and once again control every level of government.

Republican-s say they don't want to leave the national debt for future generation-s' kids and grand kids. Therefore, say Republican-/Tea Partyers, we must never, ever spend one thin dime to repair and rebuild our nation's infrastruc-ture.

The cost of repairing and rebuilding our country's crumbling highways and roads, schools, eroding dams and levees, rusted out bridges, water lines, sewer systems, outdated, overstress-ed 100-year-o-ld electric grids, according to most experts would be in the neighborho-od of $2 to $3 trillion if we began those projects today.

The legacy Republican-/Tea Partyers intend to leave those kids and grand kids they feign concern for, however, will exceed $5 trillion. And that figure is barring any unforeseen calamities like protracted wars, natural disasters such as hurricanes-, tornadoes, floods and earthquake-s.

The "Satan's sandwich," solution to the nation's Standard and Poor's downgraded economy as one congressman referred to the debt deal, is so demonic that it defies explanation. Why would anyone agree to turn over all the decision-making for making cuts to twelve hand-picked politicians from both parties whose interest are still as partisan as those of the current 535 members of congress?

Are these people endowed with such special or inherent wisdom that in the next few weeks they think they can avoid all the bickering over a manufactured debt crisis that was drummed up over the last several months?

This "deal" has built-in conditions that guarantee absolute failure. The Republican choices for their apostles of greed allow for no taxes on the wealthiest 2% or the elimination of corporate subsidies (aka corporate welfare) such as Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Health Insurance companies who have been gaming our tax laws for decades.

One of the Republican members recommended to sit on this 12-person panel includes Paul Ryan, the Minnesota congressman who has practically taken a blood oath along with his Tea Party blackmailers to eviscerate Medicare by forcing seniors to shop around with a paltry voucher to find a private health insurer willing to insure an individual with the preexisting condition of -- getting older -- and most assuredly, sicker. Good luck with that one!

Now comes the real poison pill part of this Faustian deal. If the 12 apostles can't come to agreement on how much they want to cut from domestic programs or how to eliminate tax loopholes and taxpayer subsidies for the super-wealthy, or etched-in-blood tax cuts for the same affluent 2% demanded by the subversive, saboteur Tea Partyers, automatic cuts in spending programs will be balanced out between domestic discretionary programs (meaning every single safety net for the poorest, sickest and most vulnerable children)and the military.

OMG! Did we read that right? Cuts to the most sacred cow of them all, the Pentagon pet projects, huge taxpayer subsidies to the military industrial complex and all the funding for the future wars and no-bid government contracts which Republicans are already cooking up when the time comes for them to take unbridled authority over every lever of government?

Most of us have heard this broken record before but the game rules have become far more dangerous. Tea Paryers, like all authoritarian regimes which have wrested power away from democratic governments, which have already imposed their iron-fisted hegemony in at least 26 states, are moving to the next phase of their dismantling of our U.S. Constitution.

The twelve-person panel of bean counters of course is just a pro forma exercise in the Tea Party's quest for total control. Knowing that the top-heavy Republican majority House will reject any attempts to strip funds away from the $649 billion bloated annual defense budget (a 17% increase over last year) their next move will involve further draconian cuts to essential public services so deep that America as we knew it will be unrecognizable. Future generations will live in a third world country standard of living thirsted-for by the tyrannical Tea Party faction who are working frantically to usurp and overthrow our democracy.

It is far too facile to believe the Tea Partyers are simply raving lunatics whose lock-step discipline keeps them bound to their treachery against our nation. But, as they demonstrated their power at the polls in December 2010, ephemeral as it may be, that power has brought about irreparable harm to America and further damaged our honor and respect around the world.

It has come down to this: Individual liberties and freedom-loving Americans versus mole-visioned, anti-U.S. Constitution Tea Party tyranny and blackmail.



So what exactly is Obamas plan to help the economy? I mean, the TEA party doesn't have one, but they're not an elected party, or even a party at all.

Now I don't put the blame solely on Obama. Sure he had his hand in continuing to fuck things up. So did Bush. So did Congress. So did Clinton. But to try and pretend that Obama has some sort of magic bean solution that will fix everything is stupid. To pretend that cuts to social services and entitlements are not necessary is equally dumb. So is trying to prop up corporate welfare (both parties have thier share in this) and defense spending. Everything needs to be cut. Raising taxes on the 'rich' isn't a solution. Raising taxes in general is not a solution. Cutting how much additional spending is being done instead of cutting spending period isn't a solution.
so rhetoric about war against american citizens is ok now? i thought the left was against this type of rhetoric.

the rhetoric on both sides is out of control. i talked with my uncle the other day and he said in his day (50's was the topic) there was rhetoric, however, it was by and large polite. people didn't hate other people or the other party. one exception was the communist party though as we were in a cold war with the soviets. but dems and pubs, the mainstream parties were generally civil. in his opinion, it is 24 hour news, talking head shows on tv and radio, and the plethora of other media available. i can only imagine what he would think if he saw some of the rhetoric on this board. i'm not talking about insulting someone, i'm talking about political rhetoric like spinneth's OP.
Just MAYBE infrastructure could be rebuilt if we were not spending our money on a bunch of other bullshit. How many billions does the Savior want to send to Greece this time? The thing glossed over by the anti-conservative lies of the mindless liberal twits is that neither Tea party advocates nor conservative republicans mind spending money. It's not like they want to drop taxes to zero and demand the government operate on good will. But with the entire world telling us, "reign in your spending, assholes!", along with market forces telling us the same thing, it's about time we stopped sending massive amounts of cash down the black holes of entitlement spending, bailouts (especially foreign bailouts), not to mention the massive amounts spent on bloated federal bureaucracies. We get our OVER-spending under control, maybe we could actually afford to do what is right for this country.
What gets me is the claim that republicans/TEA party members "got 98% of what they asked for". What an outright bullshit lie. TEA party congress critters were asking for anywhere from $8 to $12 trillion in real spending cuts - cuts specified and marked in a real budget. The House passed a budget bill that called for somewhat over $6 trillion in spending cuts - a bill that failed the Senate, and was promised to be vetoed even if it had passed the Senate. Significant spending cuts and no taxes was what the republicans and TEA party members wanted.

The debt-ceiling bill that passed had barely $1.2 trillion in real cuts, and another 1.4 in empty promises. That's less than 1/3 of what they wanted, and less than 1/2 of what they passed in the House. The only thing they DID get is no immediate tax increases, though nothing real was done about the fact that the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are set to expire in 2012. (one more jobs-killing aspect of the way the idiot dems are running down our economy: letting business sweat over whether there are significant tax increases coming their way soon.) So, again, how is that "98% of what they wanted"? The liberals are so full of shit on this one it's leaking out their ears and running down their necks.
This administration is making a big mistake. Blaming others for their own failures is not going to fool the American people any more this time than it did in 2010.
so rhetoric about war against american citizens is ok now? i thought the left was against this type of rhetoric.

the rhetoric on both sides is out of control. i talked with my uncle the other day and he said in his day (50's was the topic) there was rhetoric, however, it was by and large polite. people didn't hate other people or the other party. one exception was the communist party though as we were in a cold war with the soviets. but dems and pubs, the mainstream parties were generally civil. in his opinion, it is 24 hour news, talking head shows on tv and radio, and the plethora of other media available. i can only imagine what he would think if he saw some of the rhetoric on this board. i'm not talking about insulting someone, i'm talking about political rhetoric like spinneth's OP.

Yurt only parrots talking points because he has no thoughts. He needs others to think for him.

yeah...what talking points are those above? i notice you're too much of a antagonistic asshole to even address it. all you do is run around and insult people. you stir shit, you don't contribute a single positive aspect to this board.
yeah...what talking points are those above? i notice you're too much of a antagonistic asshole to even address it. all you do is run around and insult people. you stir shit, you don't contribute a single positive aspect to this board.

You are so ignorant. Look at political cartoons from grandpa's day and compare them to today.