Straight-Shooters and Flip Floppers


New member
How come we always hear the tag that people like John McCain, Chuck Hagel and Condi Rice are straight shooters....

Yet a John Kerry is a flip-flopper....

I mean didnt the 3 senators all vote FOR the war?

Look, i'm no John Kerry fan but I'll be the first one to say that Kerry has stayed true alot more to his principles than Mr. McCain, Hagel and Rice...

Why does the media glorify these 3 stooges for being mavericks and straight shooters? All I see are 3 Bush lackeys that were big enablers of the Bush Doctrine....

And Desh regularly praises McCain and Hagel as mavericks and straight shooters...When you have Reagan Democrats like Desh supporting Republicans there will be no policy change in the USA....

And Condi Rice...the biggest joke ever... If you want a token black female to make the Republican Party seem less white, she sure fits the bill....

Condi Rice is the biggest joke....

Yet Tiana and Darla like her due to race solidarity....

Your supposed to judge people on their merits not on their race or gender....

The Democratic race is going to be the most divisive in history....As blacks are voting purely for Obama and Whites are starting to vote 70%+ for Hillary...

And the WINNER IS.......

John McCain
Nope the economy will suck so bad that anyone but a product of the bush machine will be the choice.
Heck by nov Peewee Herman could beat McClown.

Only possibility for McClown is that bush get a war going with Iran....
I think it is far more likely he'd select your Governor there, Frogs.

It looks they are priming her! She is the perfect package. Fresh, conservative, Christian, family oriented, she is pregnant with her fifth child. She is beautiful and intelligent. I like her. She would be a better choice than Condi.
It looks they are priming her! She is the perfect package. Fresh, conservative, Christian, family oriented, she is pregnant with her fifth child. She is beautiful and intelligent. I like her. She would be a better choice than Condi.
I like her too. I wish she had run for President. And she'll have that kid before election time. I think McCain would be very smart to tap her for VP.