Strange coincidences at Obama events?


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"One time is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is...."


from "Best of the Web Today"
February 14, 2008

We Shall Be Overcome

James Vicevich, a Connecticut radio talk show host, takes note of yet another creepy element of the Obama campaign. Consider these reports from Obama rallies:


- Montecito, Calif., Sept. 8, 2007. "A woman standing in front of the stage appeared to faint as Obama spoke about Iraq," the Associated Press reported. "The candidate paused and asked the crowd to make way for firefighters. One supporter shouted, 'You're a good man,' leaving Obama momentarily at a loss for words. 'Well, I'm not the only one stopping to help her,' he said, sounding almost embarrassed."

- Madison, Wis., Oct. 22, 2007. "This excitement mirrored the aura in the room that grew throughout his speech," reported WISN-TV. "Before the senator arrived, students were tossing around an inflatable cow above the crowd. Three people fainted in the midst of all the enthusiasm."

- Hanover, N.H., Jan. 8, 2008. "Barack Obama's first and only rally on election day came to a sudden and lengthy stop when a young woman in the Dartmouth College gym fainted, and was eventually rolled off on a gurney by emergency medical technicians," the Los Angeles Times reported. "At first Obama half-narrated the episode, saying soothing things like, 'She's OK,' 'She's talking.' But the longer she lay on the floor, the quieter Obama got, standing on the podium, arms folded, looking worried as the medical crew worked." Minneapolis's WCCO-TV has video showing Obama handing a bottle of water to the Dartmouth damsel in distress.

- Hartford, Conn., Feb. 4, 2008. "And when a woman appeared to faint in the standing-only VIP section in front of the podium, Obama paused his speech for over a minute as he directed the crowd to make way for an EMT team and tossed a bottle of water from the stage," reported the Yale Daily News.

- Seattle, Feb. 8, 2008. "Climate change, the Iraq war and Obama tossing a bottle of water to a woman about to faint all received big cheers," reported. "As Obama told the crowd to part so that the woman in question could leave and called for help, a young girl in the crowd shouted out, 'What a man!' The audience roared with laughter (although the press that has seen this happen before rolled its eyes)."


What exactly are we to make of this? A cynic might wonder if the whole thing isn't staged, given how often it happens and how well-honed and self-serving Obama's standard response seems to be.

But if it's spontaneous, that's in a way even more unsettling. At the New Hampshire rally, Larry David of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" fame quipped, "Sinatra had the same effect on people." Sinatra made girls swoon by singing romantic songs. But America isn't electing a crooner in chief.

Obama has a talent for eliciting intense emotion--an ability that can be dangerous in a politician. What more does he have to offer? That's a hard question to answer, and it makes the prospect of an Obama presidency quite worrisome.
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Actually only a moron would think that it would be unusual for someone to faint in a large crowd of people or that it might happen several times. Shit women used to faint in droves at Elvis concerts. One or a few fainting is not unusual.
It's hard to read the blue with the black background. You can just select the text and read it though, Desh.

Use bolding instead as others use different backgrounds.
It's a play, especially when the reaction appears so staged. The Press were rolling their eyes because it's becoming transparent.
Refer to my earlier comment.

This is not easily proveable. People faint large, hot auditoriums, and politicians stage incidents that make them look good.

Each side is going to see what they want to in this, nothing I say will change it.

But I will tell you that none of you know for sure, only Obama's campaign staff.
Refer to my earlier comment.

This is not easily proveable. People faint large, hot auditoriums, and politicians stage incidents that make them look good.

Each side is going to see what they want to in this, nothing I say will change it.

But I will tell you that none of you know for sure, only Obama's campaign staff.
I read it. And people come to rallies for every candidate and fainting is rare. This is a ploy, especially with the staged responses.

Shoot, I've seen over 10,000 people jumping and shouting at a church and watched how rare the fainting spells are in such a place.
Whatever you want to believe is fine with me, Damo.

Like I said, everyone is going to see what they want to see in this incident and none of you know for certain.
These incidents. Make sure to include the "s". It is repetitive.

It's like having a person just set to ask that "probing" question at all of your "town hall" events.
Hillary fakes tears, Obama has a fainter at his rallys, and McCain pretends to be conservative. Blah blah blah, I dont give a shit... blah blah blah...
Hillary fakes tears, Obama has a fainter at his rallys, and McCain pretends to be conservative. Blah blah blah, I dont give a shit... blah blah blah...
Well, the fake tears thing worked so well for Billary, that HillBilly thought she'd get some bump from it too.

I still remember that clip with Clinton laughing and talking after that funeral for their pal, then when he turned and saw a camera within less than half a step he was "wiping a tear"...