student loan interest.....


fully immersed in faith..
I'm surprised we haven't had a thread about this yet...

First Obama lays down the gauntlet demanding that student loan interest be resolved before the election, hoping to pocket the student vote.....

then the House passes a resolution fixing the student loan problem.....

and Obama threatens to veto it if it passes the Senate....

has Obama cut his own throat?.....
"The Administration strongly supports serious, bipartisan efforts to prevent interest rates from doubling for over 7 million college students in the coming year," Obama's Office of Management and Budget said in a "statement of administration policy," the formal mechanism for announcing where the president stands on legislation.

"Unfortunately, rather than finding common ground on a way to pay for this critical policy, H.R. 4628 includes an attempt to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund, created to help prevent disease, detect it early, and manage conditions before they become severe," OMB said, warning that "women, in particular" would suffer. "This is a politically-motivated proposal and not the serious response that the problem facing America's college students deserves. If the President is presented with H.R. 4628, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill," it said."

I know it's asking a lot but maybe you should try to understand the issue before you open your mouth.
I'm surprised we haven't had a thread about this yet...

First Obama lays down the gauntlet demanding that student loan interest be resolved before the election, hoping to pocket the student vote.....

then the House passes a resolution fixing the student loan problem.....

and Obama threatens to veto it if it passes the Senate....

has Obama cut his own throat?.....

No; because this will be excused also.
The Studends didn't vote; becaues of his promise.
They voted so that they could say they had a hand in electing the "first black President".
I thnk the number of students voting this time around, will be a lot less then the last election.
"The Administration strongly supports serious, bipartisan efforts to prevent interest rates from doubling for over 7 million college students in the coming year," Obama's Office of Management and Budget said in a "statement of administration policy," the formal mechanism for announcing where the president stands on legislation.

"Unfortunately, rather than finding common ground on a way to pay for this critical policy, H.R. 4628 includes an attempt to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund, created to help prevent disease, detect it early, and manage conditions before they become severe," OMB said, warning that "women, in particular" would suffer. "This is a politically-motivated proposal and not the serious response that the problem facing America's college students deserves. If the President is presented with H.R. 4628, his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill," it said."

I know it's asking a lot but maybe you should try to understand the issue before you open your mouth.

from the same link...
Obama's budget, unveiled earlier this year, calls for tapping into the same fund to cover other programs.

so, when Obama proposed using these funds for something else in his budget, was there a "warning that "women, in particular" would suffer"?.........
false claim....Obama was going to use these funds for something else, the Republicans used these funds for something else.......that which is the same is not different.....

Like I said, there's a difference between cutting some funding and eliminating funding entirely. Obama proposed using some of the money in 2013 to Prevention and Public Health Fund to fund the CDC and, going forward, to use some of it for other purposes. The Republicans want to completely eliminate all of money in its entirety for all years.

Those aren't the same. What would be the same is the Republicans proposing to use the same amount of money Obama proposed using in 2013 and directing that it be used to pay for the student loan interest bill. They didn't do that. (In fact, they couldn't do that since the amount that Obama proposed redirecting wouldn't be enough to pay for it. They'd be about $5.1 billion short).
and there's a difference between both and redirecting the funds to another purpose...which is what both the Republicans and Obama did......

Not really. Obama redirects some funds. The Republicans redirect all funds and shut down the program.

This is one of those things where a little honesty goes a long way. It's an obvious gimmick by the Republicans that only hardcore Republicans will actually buy or give a shit about. Arguing about it is senseless.
The Republicans redirect all funds and shut down the program.

I'm pretty sure that if the Republicans had shut down Obama's health care program it would have been headlines.....this was just some previously unassigned monies that have been described by some as a "slush fund" that even Obama was willing to rededicate only a few months it's "war on women" cannonfodder....