Study: 83 Mln Would Lose Private Health Coverage Under House Dem Plan


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By Philip Klein on 7.20.09 @ 12:16PM

Democrats and President Obama have denied that the creation of a new government-run health care plan would be a Trojan Horse for single-payer health care, but a new report by the Lewin Group (comissioned by the Heritage Foundation) finds that the House Democrats' health care bill would shift more 83.4 million Americans from private health care coverage to the government plan. To put that in perspective, that would mean that nearly half (48.4 percent) would lose their private health coverage. In all, the government plan would have 103.4 million members once implemented, according to the Lewin analysis. President Obama has repeated the mantra that anybody who likes their health insurance plan can keep it, but in reality about 63 percent of covered Americans get their health care through their employers, and if employers decide to drop their current health plans in favor of the government plan, workers won't have any choice but to sign up.

Here's a Lewin chart titled, "Changes in Sources of Coverage under the American Affordable Health Choices Act Assuming Full Implementation in 2011 (millions)":

chart and rest of article..
Where's the study itself? I'd like to see what bill they analyzed and what assumptions they've made to reach this figure.

I only ask because the CBO analysis released a week ago showed dramatically different results.
Where's the study itself? I'd like to see what bill they analyzed and what assumptions they've made to reach this figure.

I only ask because the CBO analysis released a week ago showed dramatically different results.
There's a link to it in the article. It was the same study that the Black Chamber of Commerce brought to that hearing that caused all the hullabaloo recently.
There's a link to it in the article. It was the same study that the Black Chamber of Commerce brought to that hearing that caused all the hullabaloo recently.


I don't think this is the same report as the one you mention, though. That was a hearing about cap and trade.