Study; Hydroxychloroquine: Trump's Covid-19 'cure' increases deaths


Satire for Sanity
Hydroxychloroquine: Trump's Covid-19 'cure' increases deaths, global study finds
Malaria drug should not be used to treat coronavirus, scientists say, after study shows high death rate

Hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug Donald Trump is taking to prevent Covid-19, has increased deaths in patients treated with it in hospitals around the world, a study has shown.

Time to denounce Trump even louder for the blustering fool that he is, girls and boys.
He really goes into a rant on the nursing home situation. People should not be treated like a "research project".

DR DIDIER RAOULT: Reassuring results and talk about Chloroquine Treatment

One of my long time friends is an ER doc that sees covid19 patients.
He takes Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and doxycycline as a prophylactic measure.
the risk for non-comorbidity is very low, and even for those with cardiac issues as a prophylaxis is low.

India and Turkey are giving the hydroxychloroquine as well - add in the zinc for sure
One of my long time friends is an ER doc that sees covid19 patients.
He takes Hydroxychloroquine, zinc and doxycycline as a prophylactic measure.

For the last year I've been taking Quercetin (which is also a zinc ionophore like HCQ). It's an inexpensive
OTC supplement, along with C, D3 and zinc in specific dosages. In short, these supps strengthen the immune
system against viruses. HAH!!! Who knew my combo would come in so handy within a few months! :laugh:
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I would not use chloroquine

Me neither. I think this was from the time they were all starting to get the correct semantics together and of course clarified it as HYDROXYchloroquine at some point.
He does call it HYDROXYchloroquine, though.
A woman who has lupus took hydroxychloroquine for 19 years. She still got COVID-19

A Wisconsin woman who has had lupus for most of her life said she takes hydroxychloroquine and still caught COVID-19.

Kim, who only wants her first name used, said she has taken the anti-malarial drug for 19 years to help treat the pain caused by her lupus.

Kim said when the pandemic began, she only left her home to go to the grocery store. She said by mid-April though, she started feeling coronavirus symptoms.

"Weak all over. Coughing, fever. The fever was very high," Kim said. "It just went downhill from there. I couldn't breathe no more."

Kim said her primary care doctor prescribed antibiotics, but her condition worsened. She said when she went to an urgent care center days later, nurses said her oxygen saturation levels were at 78%, when they need to be at 95% or higher.

Kim said after arriving at a hospital, she tested positive for COVID-19.

If there are dozens of other studies that show the opposite, why have none been cited here? All we've seen are a handful of 'doctors' who say "I prescribe it, it's great."
Oh yes, and it's used in Turkey and India.

That isn't a STUDY.

Crockmeister has no reason to appeal to- but your effort isn't entirely wasted.
A Wisconsin woman who has had lupus for most of her life said she takes hydroxychloroquine and still caught COVID-19.

Kim, who only wants her first name used, said she has taken the anti-malarial drug for 19 years to help treat the pain caused by her lupus.

Kim said when the pandemic began, she only left her home to go to the grocery store. She said by mid-April though, she started feeling coronavirus symptoms.

"Weak all over. Coughing, fever. The fever was very high," Kim said. "It just went downhill from there. I couldn't breathe no more."

Kim said her primary care doctor prescribed antibiotics, but her condition worsened. She said when she went to an urgent care center days later, nurses said her oxygen saturation levels were at 78%, when they need to be at 95% or higher.

Kim said after arriving at a hospital, she tested positive for COVID-19.


Yup. It just makes the trip a little easier. Get over it.
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial



Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been found to be efficient on SARS-CoV-2, and reported to be efficient in Chinese COV-19 patients. We evaluate the role of hydroxychloroquine on respiratory viral loads.

Patients and methods

French Confirmed COVID-19 patients were included in a single arm protocol from early March to March 16th, to receive 600mg of hydroxychloroquine daily and their viral load in nasopharyngeal swabs was tested daily in a hospital setting. Depending on their clinical presentation, azithromycin was added to the treatment. Untreated patients from another center and cases refusing the protocol were included as negative controls. Presence and absence of virus at Day6-post inclusion was considered the end point.


Six patients were asymptomatic, 22 had upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and eight had lower respiratory tract infection symptoms.

Twenty cases were treated in this study and showed a significant reduction of the viral carriage at D6-post inclusion compared to controls, and much lower average carrying duration than reported of untreated patients in the literature. Azithromycin added to hydroxychloroquine was significantly more efficient for virus elimination.


Despite its small sample size our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin.
Key words: 2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine, azithomycin, clinical trial