Stupid or subversive?


Loyal to the end
Liberals claim intellectual superiority yet fail to grasp the significance of the simple language of the Constitutional preamble, that all power is vested in the People who in turn grant certain authority to the Federal government. Even when this simple concept is reinforced by not just one but two plain language Amendments, IX and X, their intellect fails.

Either that or they willfully work to usurp the will of the People.

Which liberal are you?
Sure, which is why the Republicans kicked Democrat ass back in the 1860s.

Seems like the parties reversed a bit since then though.
But perhaps not sice the industrialized states were in the north.
Corporations ran things then too.
Seems like the parties reversed a bit since then though.
But perhaps not sice the industrialized states were in the north.
Corporations ran things then too.
Its not quite that simple or accurate. Back then in The South the rich farmland was all owned by English descendants. In North Carolina that was located in Raleigh and eastward. West of that were recent German and Scot-Irish immigrants who lacked political power. It was the English decedents who where Democrats and slave owners, not the immigrants, many of whom recently gained their own freedom. These folks ignored the Confederacy when they could, and many resisted it or outright fought against it.
Its not quite that simple or accurate. Back then in The South the rich farmland was all owned by English descendants. In North Carolina that was located in Raleigh and eastward. West of that were recent German and Scot-Irish immigrants who lacked political power. It was the English decedents who where Democrats and slave owners, not the immigrants, many of whom recently gained their own freedom. These folks ignored the Confederacy when they could, and many resisted it or outright fought against it.

The whole thing was mainly urban industrialization vs rural agriculture areas.
Not the causes of the civil war were not simple at all.
The whole thing was mainly urban industrialization vs rural agriculture areas.
Not the causes of the civil war were not simple at all.
The main cause was the same fight we are waging now: free market capitalism vs. forced labor, except now its the government forcing with punitive taxation.
Liberals claim intellectual superiority yet fail to grasp the significance of the simple language of the Constitutional preamble, that all power is vested in the People who in turn grant certain authority to the Federal government. Even when this simple concept is reinforced by not just one but two plain language Amendments, IX and X, their intellect fails.

Either that or they willfully work to usurp the will of the People.

Which liberal are you?

Neither, do you have a problem with liberals?







If you are getting any of these benefits, thank a Liberal
Or it's just that Liberals like rewritting history and then posting false adds to support their lies.

Gee, for a guy who never went to college you sure know a lot about history! Maybe you want to tell us who was responsible for all the things in those ads, since apparently it wasn't liberals.
Gee, for a guy who never went to college you sure know a lot about history! Maybe you want to tell us who was responsible for all the things in those ads, since apparently it wasn't liberals.

Oh; maybe just everyday people, who didn't really give a fuck about it being a Liberal or Conservative thing.
Are you now siding with the Communists who were very active in starting the Unions??
But then; that would totally destroy that house of cards, that you've built, on that foundation of sand.

By the way, would you care to provide the proof that I've never gone to Collage??
That is, unless you're afraid of showing yourself as just another dumbass ellitest!!
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Yeah, every day people can't be liberals.

Seriously, dude, you're retarded. Bow your head in shame.

I never said that.
You on the other hand, appear to be saying that they can only be liberals; which is stupidest fucking comment that you could ever try to express as a fact.

Now wipe the jizz from your chin, stand up like a man, and accept the fact that you're just to stupid to engage in adult conversation.

I never said that.
You on the other hand, appear to be saying that they can only be liberals; which is stupidest fucking comment that you could ever try to express as a fact.

Now wipe the jizz from your chin, stand up like a man, and accept the fact that you're just to stupid to engage in adult conversation.



It's retarded to pretend any of the things listed on those posters came about as the result of anything other than liberals pushing for them against people like you.

The historical record bares this out. The burden of proof is upon you to counter what I'm sure everyone on this board thought until now was common knowledge history.

HINT: It can't be done.

It's retarded to pretend any of the things listed on those posters came about as the result of anything other than liberals pushing for them against people like you.

The historical record bares this out. The burden of proof is upon you to counter what I'm sure everyone on this board thought until now was common knowledge history.

HINT: It can't be done.

The only thing you have, are some photo-shopped posters; which are no proof at all.