Stupid shared server...


Staff member
Some idiot on the shared server (not anybody on our website, some other prole on a different site on the shared server) opened an e-mail containing a spam-bot, which infected their computer and started sending spam... This was tagged, and then the mail server was CBL blacklisted so nobody can send any e-mail from that server.

So, they are moving us to a new server, hopefully one less infected by idiots. So, at any moment we may have some DNS propagation issues where people aren't able to get on the site for a couple hours. (Usually it is less than that, but I like to give myself a window.) I've asked them to wait until after midnight EST, but they may need to do it earlier.

Sorry folks. I know it is annoying, but it is necessary. I have other sites on the shared space that need to be able to send out mail ASAP. (Nothing interesting they are both for non-profits).
The migration will begin at Midnight EST. So, we'll be fine today. There may be no interruptions, but I thought it best to tell y'all that there may be.
They didn't do it, and I've elected for a different solution. I've purchased a dedicated IP address for the site so that one idiot on a shared server can't wreck it for this site and others I have on the server again.

It doesn't matter if I share a server, as it is the IP that was blacklisted we'll only get blacklisted if it is one of our own email users that is infected...

Anyway, too much detail.

When they migrate the site to the new IP it may have intermittent interruptions of service as the information propagates throughout teh interwebs. I'm sorry about all that, but other sites that I host need to have e-mail. (This one, not so much.)

Some idiot on the shared server (not anybody on our website, some other prole on a different site on the shared server) opened an e-mail containing a spam-bot, which infected their computer and started sending spam... This was tagged, and then the mail server was CBL blacklisted so nobody can send any e-mail from that server.

So, they are moving us to a new server, hopefully one less infected by idiots. So, at any moment we may have some DNS propagation issues where people aren't able to get on the site for a couple hours. (Usually it is less than that, but I like to give myself a window.) I've asked them to wait until after midnight EST, but they may need to do it earlier.

Sorry folks. I know it is annoying, but it is necessary. I have other sites on the shared space that need to be able to send out mail ASAP. (Nothing interesting they are both for non-profits).

When will people start taking responsibility?
virus, protection, computer, condom picture by NOTAforum - Photobucket
They didn't do it, and I've elected for a different solution. I've purchased a dedicated IP address for the site so that one idiot on a shared server can't wreck it for this site and others I have on the server again.

It doesn't matter if I share a server, as it is the IP that was blacklisted we'll only get blacklisted if it is one of our own email users that is infected...

Anyway, too much detail.

When they migrate the site to the new IP it may have intermittent interruptions of service as the information propagates throughout teh interwebs. I'm sorry about all that, but other sites that I host need to have e-mail. (This one, not so much.)


Freaky things going on 'round here...:confused:
Freaky things going on 'round here...:confused:
Not really. We share this same server with other websites, one of those other people (the gods only know which) downloaded a spambot which wound up blacklisting the entire IP address of the shared server. This caused anybody who had a website on that server who was using e-mail to be blacklisted and none of us could send out any e-mail. Since it was an unassociated site I couldn't exactly find them and clean their computer for them.

The only solution was to have a clean IP, and for a nominal fee I got one specific to my own websites regardless of sharing a server. This shouldn't be an issue for long, and we'll be back to normal rather quickly once all the info propagates.

Nobody on this site was infected, or on any of the sites that I host, it was some stranger. They could have been in Tadzhikistan for all I know.
I can go through google and access the site that way. I am unable to empty dns via- ipconfig /flushdns so that I can jump onto the site via cache. I am running Vista and even after creating a cmd prompt shortcut it will not flush my dns when I type in the command- What gives?
Father message board :D

Supposedly from what I have looked up and read my situation is unique to my MS Vista and will correct itself by dumping unused cache in 24 hrs?
And no matter what I do I cannot access the main page?
If you are still having these troubles, the best way to resolve it is by clearing your DNS cache.

If you are using windows, go to the command prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns

Or you can just wait about 24 hours for it to resolve itself.
If you are still having these troubles, the best way to resolve it is by clearing your DNS cache.

If you are using windows, go to the command prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns

Or you can just wait about 24 hours for it to resolve itself.

ah, after spending yesterday assuming Grind had done something foolish I arrived this morning to discover you weren't actually all gone......
If you are still having these troubles, the best way to resolve it is by clearing your DNS cache.

If you are using windows, go to the command prompt and type: ipconfig /flushdns

Or you can just wait about 24 hours for it to resolve itself.

You must have missed my first post on the matter~