Suggestion for Brent


To get a better perspective on why those evil immigrants you hate so much aren't signing up for citizenship, why don't you try yourself? I mean, after all, the little bastards dare come here and breathe our air, the little spawns of Lucifer, why don't they pay us due respect?

Well, first, you'll have to go to English classes. These classes will be taugh in English, no other language is allowed, as that would be Unamerican. If you can't understand, you're just out of luck. Then, pull out 100000 dollars and go to your nearest politician and bribe him for citizenship. If you don't have that much, then you have to sign the B1F2F234 form and wait in line. Currently, (1) person a year is being accepted from yoru country, crazyfascistland, mainly because we dont' like your skin colour. So, you will be waiting in line approximately 30 to 40 years. You actually have to STAND in the line during this time, if you get out of line you'll be called a terrorist and shot. How dare you try to be an American, you America hater! After you get halfway through the line, you have to burn the B1F2F234 form, along with your closesest relative, then attach the ashes to the B1RFTPCN365 form, then go to the back of the line again. If you want to go to the toilet, you'll have to feel out the B1 form, and if you want to wipe your ass while in line, you'll need to fill out the B2RFTPS form.

Simple enough, eh? It was terrible back in the time whenever most of our ancestors came through here! Can you believe, they were actually given citizenship at the docks? Oh the anarchy!

I'm sure you'll find that Brent is a pure-bred American, and his ancestors are indigenous to the US... LMAO!