suicide is painless

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
remember the name of the theme song of MASH the movie

well if you do it right, it is for you, but for anyone left behind that may give a shit it, it is far from painless

at the very least, there are the people that have to clean up the mess you leave behind

now if you blow it (like i did) the aftermath can be quite confusing and/or a royal pain in the ass (try being institutionalized, it sucks)

i did not expect to survive...i took cyanide (from the chem lab, i was taking qualitative analysis) in just too small an amount (i was off by about 3 micro grams per liter of blood) so what i mostly lost was a quantity of brain cells and my freedom for a while (i keep telling you all that i am nuts, still am for that matter, but it is amazing what you can do if you do not disclose on employment applications and security forms...)

suicide is an act of rage (sometimes despair but not often)

i think that the best way to go is to swim out to sea some warm night when the water is warm - the creatures of the sea will clean up the mess:)

violent forms of suicide should be avoided if you care about how you will look afterward (you take a dump when you go)...still the old standby of a gun inserted in the mouth works rather well and usually leaves the face alone

now poisons are also a bit much unless you have a stash of narcotics and can OD - but not too much, you may barf if you select the wrong poison and you want to make sure that it works (not just a plea for help)

a hotel suite is a good place, but leave a note for the staff in the main room and a sizable tip

i do not recommend jumping (what if you change your mind on the way down) - besides, it is illegal to loiter on bridges these days

one last piece of advice, make sure that you really mean it and have thought it out (some people die from poorly planned attempts when they really did not mean it)

the wee small hours of the morning can really suck sometimes

oh well - i am no longer as young and foolish and have a family - responsibility sucks sometimes

ps if you commit suicide and have children, it gives them an example of the easy way out when a little thought would show them a better way
I think there are two types of people in the world, those who are inclined to contemplate suicide, and those who aren't. I understand how many people fall into the trap of depression and can't escape, and eventually get to the point where suicide seems to be a reasonable option, but I've never been there, and don't think I would ever be.

My mind just can't wrap itself around the thought of killing myself. I am eternally optimistic, and no matter how bad things have ever gotten, I always seem to find a way things could be worse. To me, suicide is pointless, it doesn't solve the problem, it just brings heartache and pain to those who care about you... and someone always cares about you, no matter how much you may think otherwise.

I went through a particularly tough time once, and had to just get away from the world for a while, to collect my thoughts and meditate on my future... it scared my family, because they feared I might have done myself in or something. I told my parents, if they EVER find me dead and tell you it was suicide, go get Monk or somebody, because I've been murdered! It's just a road I won't ever go down, life is too amazing, even when life sucks.
I have been too close for comfort, but that was many years ago.

I have seen what suicide does to the family and loved ones. It devastates them like nothing else can.

I have been on suicide watch for my wife (now ex), and tried to convince her it would get better. I finally resorted to emotional blackmail.

DonQ, I am sorry for what you may have gone thru. But unless its a medically assisted euthanasia, its far more cruel than whatever you would live thru.
remember the name of the theme song of MASH the movie

well if you do it right, it is for you, but for anyone left behind that may give a shit it, it is far from painless

at the very least, there are the people that have to clean up the mess you leave behind

now if you blow it (like i did) the aftermath can be quite confusing and/or a royal pain in the ass (try being institutionalized, it sucks)

i did not expect to survive...i took cyanide (from the chem lab, i was taking qualitative analysis) in just too small an amount (i was off by about 3 micro grams per liter of blood) so what i mostly lost was a quantity of brain cells and my freedom for a while (i keep telling you all that i am nuts, still am for that matter, but it is amazing what you can do if you do not disclose on employment applications and security forms...)

suicide is an act of rage (sometimes despair but not often)

i think that the best way to go is to swim out to sea some warm night when the water is warm - the creatures of the sea will clean up the mess:)

violent forms of suicide should be avoided if you care about how you will look afterward (you take a dump when you go)...still the old standby of a gun inserted in the mouth works rather well and usually leaves the face alone

now poisons are also a bit much unless you have a stash of narcotics and can OD - but not too much, you may barf if you select the wrong poison and you want to make sure that it works (not just a plea for help)

a hotel suite is a good place, but leave a note for the staff in the main room and a sizable tip

i do not recommend jumping (what if you change your mind on the way down) - besides, it is illegal to loiter on bridges these days

one last piece of advice, make sure that you really mean it and have thought it out (some people die from poorly planned attempts when they really did not mean it)

the wee small hours of the morning can really suck sometimes

oh well - i am no longer as young and foolish and have a family - responsibility sucks sometimes

ps if you commit suicide and have children, it gives them an example of the easy way out when a little thought would show them a better way

Sometimes the only thing holding us here is those we love.

Sometimes it seems totally impossible to suffer another sunrise and all its implications.

Rage against the dying of the light Don.

Fight even when you feel you have no fight left, Its got to be done for those who come behind us.

You are a brave man who has endured much pain and I know you think you are filled to the brim but hold the flame a little longer. Your life still has meaning for people who will be left to walk the world when your true time comes.

Rage against the dying of the light my friend.