

I dare you to stop us GL
Lot's of people think that killing yourself is a sin that will lead you to hell, but they are wrong. Here to explain this is Bill Keller.

Now let me answer one of the most asked questions I get each day. Killing yourself does NOT keep you from Heaven, the only thing that keeps you from Heaven is rejecting Christ as your Savior. *THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS OK TO KILL YOURSELF OR A PASS TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!! Make no mistake, killing yourself IS a sin. To even think of suicide is rebelling against God. However, the ONLY sin that will send you to hell is rejecting Christ. If you have truly accepted by faith Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and you commit suicide, you will spend eternity with God your Creator.

The reason suicide is a sin is because it is God who gives us life for the purpose of serving and glorifying Him, and it is ONLY God who can say when our work here on earth is finished. Remember, if you accept Him into your heart it is NOT your life any longer, it belongs to Him. That means it is NOT your right to end your life. That right only belongs to God. Suicide is an act of rebellion towards God!.

What a brilliant man! He truly did earn that BS degree from Liberty University. Don't you see what he's saying? It's ok to commit a sin and still go to heaven. Sure it completely contradicts everything Keller has been saying from the start...or so you think. When he bashes gays and liberals for rebelling against God, he's not saying they are going to hell.... even though he has said dozens of times that gays and liberals are going to hell for rebelling against God. He's saying that the only sin that will lead you to hell is rejecting Christ as your Lord and savior. To rebel against Christ isn't rejecting him. I don't care what dictionary you throw at me! Rebelling against him is fine as long as you repent at the last minute like suicide....oh can you repent after committing suicide?

For Catholics it's a mortal sin. The johnny come lately Christian churches can say what they like about it, for Catholics it's mortal sin and that's that.


This is why.

In feudal England the vassals lived in shite and worked their arses off from dawn to dusk for a few vegetables, a piece of meat twice a year and the right to give most of the product of their labour to the lord of the manor who generously allowed them to work his land AND to the Catholic Church (see above) in the form of tithes. Now that's a pretty shitty existence, just a step above subsistence. Suicide would look pretty good at times. BUT that would have removed all that free labour from the lord (the secular one) and the Church would have lost out on souls and tithes.

So, it was made a secular felony. What did this mean? It meant this. That if a bloke, a vassal, topped himself then his meagre belongs would have been seized by the lord (the secular one) and his wife and children would have been booted out of their hovel which belonged to the lord (the secular one). That's a pretty powerful disincentive against suicide.

And to really make it stick the Church declared "no heaven for you bucko!" if the vassal contemplated suicide. I mean, Hell was infinitely worse than working the lord's (the secular one) land.

Church and State, hand in glove for the betterment of the few at the expense of the many.
Yep and our govt carried it over for the same reasons, made it law of the land.
I mean how can you collect taxes and debts from a dead person ?