Summer Health Care fight heats up!


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the Communist party of the United States supports the Hugo Obama, now who would of thought that....


Author: CPUSA National Board
First published 08/10/2009 17:02 by {article_topic_desc}

Last week the mayor of Hiroshima, Japan chose to commemorate the 64th year since the atom bomb destroyed his city by praising President Obama's call for abolition of nuclear weapons. He referred to the "Obamajority" in the world which supports this cause.

Within our country, the Obamajority is needed to take to the streets in support of health care with a public option paid for by reversing the obscene tax giveaways to the super rich during the Bush years. If health care reform fails, it will be a giant step backwards for the Obama administration and for working people, the labor movement, African American, Latino, Asian-Pacific Island communities, women and youth on every issue including the economy, peace and democracy.

August is key. Members of Congress are home for summer recess. They will be seeking out the opinions of their constituents. The right wing is actively trying to shut down expression of opinion. They are using strong-arm tactics to disrupt town hall meetings, oppose any public option and push for taxing the health benefits of working people. Along with some centrists, they want to slow the process down. This would only benefit the medical-pharmaceutical corporate quest to further increase their profits.

The majority is not happy with their health care as right-wingers like Rush Limbaugh contend. The majority has no health care--or too little health care--or are in danger of losing what they have won through their unions. The majority want Medicare improved and expanded.

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that in September, HR 3200, based on the work of three House committees, will come to the floor for vote. In the Senate, the finance committee continues to deliberate. The health committee has already put its legislation forward. These bills will have to be melded together.

Among the biggest points of contention are:

Will there be a public option?
Will the funding come from taxing the rich or from taxing working peoples health care benefits?
Will immigrants and women's reproductive services, etc. be included?

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