I'm most concerned about her view about the border and all the migrants (that it shouldn't be illegal).

We can already see what she would do because Biden put her in charge of the border and gigantic numbers of migrants have been allowed through, both illegal and under the so-called "asylum" law, which is currently being abused where any migrant can just show up at the border and be granted entry. The current Administration had literally been busing these migrants from the border into the interior of the U.S., until 2 months ago (June 2024).

The Biden/Harris administration has been flying hundreds of thousands into the interior of the US.

We all know Biden is mentally out of it, so the question is... who's been running the show? Well, with Kamala being Vice President, and specifically named by Biden to handle the border, we can assume this all has been, for the most part, Kamala's doing.

Despite average American birth rates well below replacement levels right now (especially for white women), the country's population has been growing at almost 1% a year. This is being driven by immigration and migration from foreign countries.
1% a year might not sound like a lot, but it's actually huge. That means within 50 years, half the population would be immigrant. And these migrants are younger and often having lots of children.
If we look at the total (legal) U.S. population, half of them are older than 40 (the most common age for a white person in the U.S. is 58 ) and are not going to be around 20 or 30 years from now. Whereas the average age of illegal immigrants and migrants is closer to around 30. If we were only to take a look at the percentage of Americans under the age of 40, then these immigrants would represent a much larger percentage of the population. Right now it is estimated that 1 in 4 children being born in the U.S. has immigrant parents.
Beautiful, Laura Loomer, same Laura Loomsd who said school shootings were staged and Stephen Paddock was a member of ISIS (, posts on a tweet Harris is posting misinformation on social media, too funny

And the best part is that the MAGA cult believes her. I swear if they read or heard somewhere, anywhere, that Trump shit gold they would not only swallow it but also echo it as a fact