Support The Contractors!


We have more US-paid private contractors in Iraq than we do US troops. With the war now projected at 1.3 billion dollars, I have to figure that we don't need the troops at all. We could go all private contractor and stage a full-out mercenary war instead of just a 3/4 one.

So why don't we?

Well, let's take a look at an actual bush statement, with one word, and one word only, replaced throughout, and see just what it is we need those troops for:

"Democratic leaders in Congress are bent on using a bill that funds our contractors to make a political statement about the war," Bush said. "They need to do it quickly, get it to my desk so I can veto it. And then Congress can get down to the business of funding our contractors without strings and without further delay."

Bush said without funding, the "clock is ticking for our contractors in the field."

“Instead of approving that vital funding, the Democratic leadership in Congress has spent the last 64 days pushing legislation that would undercut our contraactors."
I like contractors. Maybe it's just because, instead of slaughtering our youth involuntary through the draft, we can slaughter greedy bastards who only want money. Maybe it takes being a women in her late 20's who'll never be in harms way or effected at all by a draft to not appreciate that. But, you know, I don't really care. It's worth a little extra cost. Maybe we need some more oversight, but instituting a draft just to save some of your tax dollars would be evil.
I like contractors. Maybe it's just because, instead of slaughtering our youth involuntary through the draft, we can slaughter greedy bastards who only want money. Maybe it takes being a women in her late 20's who'll never be in harms way or effected at all by a draft to not appreciate that. But, you know, I don't really care. It's worth a little extra cost. Maybe we need some more oversight, but instituting a draft just to save some of your tax dollars would be evil.

That's my general feeling about it too. They know exactly what they're getting into and are often better trained than the soldiers. If someone has to go to Iraq (which apparently they must), and the contractors are willing then I don't see why not. It's completely preferrable to forcing our own soldiers to die in a stupid war they don't all agree with.
Riddle me this bat girl---we are sending 5000 tropps home right now---permaninently. They will not be replaced. The times just chose not to report it---yet. As we have more success (which you hate, and parade with pride), more will come home---and everything will be okey dokey. We will feel a bit more safe from the big monster in your closet.

Now go to sleep sweety---and try to have nice dreams of fields--- full of beautiful windmills.
Riddle me this bat girl---we are sending 5000 tropps home right now---permaninently. They will not be replaced. The times just chose not to report it---yet. As we have more success (which you hate, and parade with pride), more will come home---and everything will be okey dokey. We will feel a bit more safe from the big monster in your closet.

Now go to sleep sweety---and try to have nice dreams of fields--- full of beautiful windmills.

Considering all your posts that I've seen have been anti-surge, more like pro-Paul, than Dem or Rep., I take exception.

Let me say this as an addendum as it were, the Iraqi government seems to be inviting the US to take over for UN after their term expires. Now that is more along what you seem to be saying? It wouldn't be incumbent to be US troops, more likely US contractors.
Considering all your posts that I've seen have been anti-surge, more like pro-Paul, than Dem or Rep., I take exception.

Let me say this as an addendum as it were, the Iraqi government seems to be inviting the US to take over for UN after their term expires. Now that is more along what you seem to be saying? It wouldn't be incumbent to be US troops, more likely US contractors.

Nooo--I am pro surge---I just wish we started it 4 years ago, instead of dilly dallying around. War is a business, and I don't like that.

I think anybody getting away from the UN is a good deal. But we won't take over the government--we just want to shape it like ours---probably so we can get oil--because we know green technoligies are a long way off--to be super effective.

Just one mans opinion
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Riddle me this bat girl---we are sending 5000 tropps home right now---permaninently. They will not be replaced. The times just chose not to report it---yet. As we have more success (which you hate, and parade with pride), more will come home---and everything will be okey dokey. We will feel a bit more safe from the big monster in your closet.

Now go to sleep sweety---and try to have nice dreams of fields--- full of beautiful windmills.

Why don't you go to sleep, have nice dreams of dildos, and go fuck yourself?
I like contractors. Maybe it's just because, instead of slaughtering our youth involuntary through the draft, we can slaughter greedy bastards who only want money. Maybe it takes being a women in her late 20's who'll never be in harms way or effected at all by a draft to not appreciate that. But, you know, I don't really care. It's worth a little extra cost. Maybe we need some more oversight, but instituting a draft just to save some of your tax dollars would be evil.

I think you missed the point Water, and Warren too, but that's ok.
You and me both, but it wasn't so what is, is.

I think I know how I would fix that.

If your in the military, see combat, and make it home alive. You, your spouse, and your direct biological children will not have to pay income taxes for the rest of your, and their lives.

what would that do? (Add if you think of good or bad--I just have good now

1--It would eliminate the draft. (people in this country would gladly give their right arm for no more income taxes)

2--It would make us less willing to go to war----unless absolutly needed.

3--If we do go to war, we will go to win, and win fast (as fast as we figure out how to do it--and there will be sense of urgency).. Get it done and over with

4---it woud show the American people that Washington really does care about the people who give their sight, hearing, limbs, mental capacity and lives for the true agenda (I think the true agendas allude us) of the decade.

I think, if Washington knew that the whole family would not pay taxes again (because it is all about money--not our people)---war would be something to be avoided as much as possible--and used only to protect our people. We have not fought like that for a very long time.
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