"Supporting the troops"? by Thomas Sowell


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Sowell nails it, as usual. How long will the various leftists, in and out of government, go on claiming to support troops while doing nothing to actually support them?



'Supporting the troops'

by Thomas Sowell
February 22, 2008

The city council in Berkeley, Calif., made national news by telling Marine Corps recruiters they are unwelcome in that bastion of the academic left.

It is a shame Berkeley is not on some island in the South Pacific, because then they could be given their independence and left to defend themselves.

As it is, members of our armed forces who put their lives on the line to defend America are also defending people like too many in Berkeley for whom the very word America, and the American flag, bring only sneers.

Unfortunately, Berkeley is not unique. A professor at Harvard University who put an American flag on his car after September 11, 2001, provoked looks of astonishment from his colleagues. They wondered what was wrong with him.

All across the country, there are professors who push for keeping military recruiters off campus and for banning ROTC. Apparently if they don't like the military, then other people — such as students — should not be allowed to make up their own minds whether they want to join.

Liberals in general, and academics in particular, like to boast of their open-mindedness and acceptance of nonconformity. But they mean not conforming to the norms of society at large. They have little or no tolerance for those who do not conform to the norms of academic political correctness. Nowhere in America is free speech so restricted as on academic campuses with speech codes.

In Berkeley, as elsewhere, leftists have learned to cloak their anti-military intolerance with the magic words, "We support the troops." The liberal media use the same line when they undermine the military.

In this, as in other things, the flagship of the media is the New York Times. Unsubstantiated charges against American troops in Iraq are Page One news, but incredible acts of heroism in battle are seldom reported there, if at all.

Though things go wrong in every war, things that went wrong in Iraq — large or small — have been Page One news in the New York Times. When things started going right after the military surge, the Iraq war suddenly was no longer front page news.

During the Vietnam War, the media criticized the American military for emphasizing enemy casualties or the "body count." Today the media have been fixated on American body count. The accomplishments of the troops who lost their lives in battle has been of no interest to those who claim to "support the troops."

That thousands of Iraqis who fled the country during the height of the violence and turmoil are now returning is no big deal to the media.

Those in the military who made this possible by putting their own lives on the line are not heroes to the media. Indeed, one of the consistent patterns in the liberal media has been to depict the troops not as heroes but as victims.

The financial problems of some reservists called away from their civilian jobs were front page news in the New York Times. So were sorrowful goodbyes from family and friends.

All these things made the troops victims. So does body count.

Last month, the New York Times found another way to portray the troops as victims. They ran a very long article, beginning on the front page of the Jan. 13 issue, about killings in the United States by combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

"In many of those cases," it said, "combat trauma and the stress of deployment" were among the factors which "appear to have set the stage for a tragedy that was part destruction, part self-destruction."

As with so many other things said by liberals, the big question that was not asked was: Compared to what?

As the New York Post reported a couple of days later, the murder rate among returning military combat veterans is one-fifth that of civilians in the same age brackets.

So much for "supporting the troops" by depicting them as victims.
How long will chickenhawks slap yellow ribbons on the back of their trucks that claim they support the troops while the vast majority have done nothing to support them in any real way?
Thomas Sowell, the annointed self-important conservative "black"-man who gets little attention slides his old ass from under the rock to define "supporting the troops" .. when this knucklehead didn't even have the intelligence top recognize the fraud and failures of engaging in this greatest blunder in American history in the first place.

Supporting the troops is saving them from a needless waste of their lives.

Easy to define.
(Predictable attacks on the messenger deleted)

Supporting the troops is saving them from a needless waste of their lives.

Supporting the troops is helping them to do what they (and the U.S. military) want to do in time of war. Clearly they do not think that risking their own lives when their country needs them, and even losing their own lives, is either "needless" or a "waste", unlike you. If they did, they would not have joined up, and certainly would not keep re-upping as most of them are doing.

Our troops want to defeat this enemy. Not coincidentally, that's what most of the American people want, too. Only a diminishing minority think it's impossible or, sickeningly, don't want to defeat the enemy at all.

Our troops are adults who have made, and continue to make, decisions about what their lives are worth, and whether they think our country is worth fighting this particular enemy for. Quit treating them like children who don't know what they are getting into. They don't need to be "saved" by someone who doesn't think their mission, to which they are dedicating their lives, is even worth doing. They hav decided for themselves that it IS worth doing.

You want to support our troops? Help them. Or at the very least, stay out of the way and quit undermining them and their mission.
The only thing worse than the right murdering our troops in vain is allowing the right to murder more of our troops in vain.

The right is wrong.
Supporting the troops is helping them to do what they (and the U.S. military) want to do in time of war. Clearly they do not think that risking their own lives when their country needs them, and even losing their own lives, is either "needless" or a "waste", unlike you. If they did, they would not have joined up, and certainly would not keep re-upping as most of them are doing.

Our troops want to defeat this enemy. Not coincidentally, that's what most of the American people want, too. Only a diminishing minority think it's impossible or, sickeningly, don't want to defeat the enemy at all.

Our troops are adults who have made, and continue to make, decisions about what their lives are worth, and whether they think our country is worth fighting this particular enemy for. Quit treating them like children who don't know what they are getting into. They don't need to be "saved" by someone who doesn't think their mission, to which they are dedicating their lives, is even worth doing. They hav decided for themselves that it IS worth doing.

You want to support our troops? Help them. Or at the very least, stay out of the way and quit undermining them and their mission.

You are free to have your own interpretation of what you think support means, but you most certainly cannot speak for what the troops think.

I've spent a good deal of time supporting men and women in uniform and their families and I have a daughter on her third tour of duty in Iraq. Try arguing what you think without pretending to speak for soldiers you don't know.

Many, if not most, did not join up to die in a made-up war.

Many, if not most, did not join up to die for corporate profit.

Many, if not most, have NOT decided that the Iraq war makes anymore sense to them than it does to the vast majority of Americans and most of the world. Don't pretend they are ignorant morons who can't think for themselves or are too dumb to see what everybody else sees.

Feel free, and unless you're writing your post from Baghdad, feel safe in your belief that supporting troops means letting them die and get blown the fuck up because that's what they're supposed to do.

It's an incredibly dumb and useless war and it requires really dumb ass people to believe in it.

Our troops are not really dumb ass people.
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The only thing worse than the right murdering our troops in vain is allowing the right to murder more of our troops in vain.

The right is wrong.

The little munchkin speaks about war...albeit he/she has not even got a good lay yet...go figure!:rolleyes:
Pa-lease BAC.............

You are free to have your own interpretation of what you think support means, but you most certainly cannot speak for what the troops think.

I've spent a good deal of time supporting men and women in uniform and their families and I have a daughter on her third tour of duty in Iraq. Try arguing what you think without pretending to speak for soldiers you don't know.

Many, if not most, did not join up to die in a made-up war.

Many, if not most, did not join up to die for corporate profit.

Many, if not most, have NOT decided that the Iraq war makes anymore sense to them than it does to the vast majority of Americans and most of the world. Don't pretend they are ignorant morons who can't think for themselves or are too dumb to see what everybody else sees.

Feel free, and unless you're writing your post from Baghdad, feel safe in your belief that supporting troops means letting them die and get blown the fuck up because that's what they're supposed to do.

It's an incredibly dumb and useless war and it requires really dumb ass people to believe in it.

Our troops are not really dumb ass people.

Give it a rest already..the 'Black Panther' movement is dead and buried...The 'Tuskegee Airmen' are rolling over in their graves with every post you make...get a clue already!

LOL, BB speaks about war, but under the influence of 30 shots of tequila.

Click on my sig link...albeit I do like tequilla and all...I speak from experience...can ya say the same? Never mind ya are still in the masturbation stage of life...a pass I will give you...BAC I will not!

A drunk ain't shit .. and hardly worth responding to.

You are a embarrassment to your daughter..who has bigger kahunas then you will ever have..that is if she really is serving in Iraq...please have her log in and respond...I would like to hear her take not yours!
You are a embarrassment to your daughter..who has bigger kahunas then you will ever have..that is if she really is serving in Iraq...please have her log in and respond...I would like to hear her take not yours!

How about fuck you asswipe .. and take my word for it .. you really don't want to talk to my daughter. I'm the nice one.

Please .. don't let me interupt your J&B lunch break.
Right...your daughter has.............

How about fuck you asswipe .. and take my word for it .. you really don't want to talk to my daughter. I'm the nice one.

Please .. don't let me interupt your J&B lunch break.

not said one word in this forum...ya are a fraudster from the get go...get a clue already...have her log in if she really exists...I don't think so...moron!